Anyone Heard of MGTOW?

My $0.02

It sounds kind of bitter, no positive messages or anything. Which is not a requirement for everyone I suppose.

Also, the mindset probably only works for selfish people. Self-serving, basically.
Do yoy think there is any merit to their core arguments? I think there is some truth in what they say.

There is a little truth there, but it's mixed in with a lot of bullshit. I do agree with the ones who say that men need to learn to take care of themselves. Things like cooking and cleaning for yourself, getting your life and career in order, basically becoming self-sufficient. I do agree that men should think twice before committing to marriage and children, and making sure it's something they really want. In fact, I also think those things are part of the reason so many women complain that men aren't really men anymore.

However, they also go on with a lot of misogynist bullshit. Just because a woman doesn't want to sleep with you doesn't make her a bitch. Just because a women made a post dissing men on an Internet forum somewhere doesn't make her attitude that of a "typical woman". Just because a woman only wants to be friends, it doesn't mean she's trying to use you. I have some great female friends who are quite happy paying their own way and they are people I really enjoy spending my time with.

The MGTOW guys just have too much hate for me to want to spend a great deal of time among them. I do believe that there may have originally been some valid core arguments on some issues, but I think that overtime it's been largely drowned out by guys who are just bitter that they've never been able to attract any women into their life.
Makes sense steel fury. I think one of the main points I agree with is that many women refuse to take on traditional female roles, i.e. cooking, cleaning etc. while men are still expected to fulfill traditional male roles, i.e. make money, cut the grass, fix tge car, take out the garage etc. I definitely see that happening. The gender roles seem to be in upheaval.
As a man though, I don't feel the need to gripe and bitch about fulfilling male roles. In my marriage, gender roles work very well in making sure things get done and actually save a lot of time. I dunno, I just don't have such a bitter view of gender differences as these guys, or the feminists for that matter.
Heres my take. Its basically mens lash at feminism. Being a mgtow you can take all the good from it becoming your own man staying true to your core beliefs and not investing any time into why its so much better than marriage. to just focus on yourself.

I think to some degree we are responsible for this. See back in the day women really were second class citizens its just the way it was then they became equal. see we give second class citizens cushy things open the doors be polite give them befits let them stay home. But they became equal and still wanted those same things. So instead of using our words we decided "oh ill be an alpha male and won't take shit and be this huge asshole and get all the ladies" actually its just an excuse to be an asshole.

I think its like the opposite of feminism. I mean feminism says equal rights but its corrupt and I'm sure has other motives so I would be careful. That said there are some girls worth being friends with. But marriage if nothing else says to be very careful who you marry. I suppose the "highest levels" are what you are weightlifter no interest in girls and honestly its not the worst idea.

So what is your take on this movement?
It all sounds like a pity party. Society is best if there is balance. Instead of "going our own way" we as men should seek to rediscover our roles in this post-feminist world, and really dig deep into what makes us men, why we want women, and how we can open up the communication path between the genders to build a prosperous society. My fiancée is extremely active, go-getter, and yet the idea of being mine, and being led by me in our future life, is extremely attractive to her, since she knows that we will make a great team together.

Imagine a solitary leg, by itself it falls over. If three it stands in one place like a stool. But two legs together can run to a goal.
It has a definite bitter theme. I think most MGTOWs got burned by women in the past, so are now rebelling against the status quo. Marriage is a huge risk for men. If it ends in divorce men usually lose their kids and money.

MGTOW is separate from the PUA stuff. A true MGTOW keeps contact with women to a minimum I think.
Hehe, funny you mention it. I've actually spent quite a bit of time looking into this.

MGTOW is most definitely the "radical" response to "radical" feminism. They don't dislike women, let alone hate women, but they really DO hate third wave feminists. So much so that to spite feminists, they take absolutely no risks and try to severely limit their interactions with women, except for those they're sure don't align themselves with feminism. The line of thinking is, "They want to be men? Let 'em be men." Meanwhile, they try to find women who are more feminine to involve themselves with.

The result, however, is that they really kind of end up looking like "masculinists." Just like modern feminism is highly unpopular among those who aren't involved, so is MGTOW. But, radicals just illicit more radicals...

It's kind of funny, really. Each side has genuine concerns that they want addressed, but instead of working at them, they just become impossibly angry at each other. All they really accomplish is alienating everyone.

Strange. This sounds oddly familiar...
Hmmm interesting. It seems MGTOW wants to brong back traditional gender roles while feminism wants to abolish them. Heck if I know how it will turn out. It seems like feminism is much more powerful and pervasive though.
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I kind of got the impression that they were against men being forced into male gender roles. Or is it more based around what they think women should be like?
They are against women leaving their gender role while men are expected to stay there. So I guess many of them decide to leave male responsibility to even the scale, but would prefer if the roles normalized. Basically, it is a response to feminism, so now both genders in these groups are rejecting tradition.