Anyone here has social anxiety and feel the need of interact all the time?

Captain K'nuckles

And how this sucks to you? i have this curse but i feel like an very social person, i really enjoy and also feel the need to talk and talk and get attention, but it's strange how from nowhere i start get anxious in social circles and end up quiet...
Flapjack is awesome! :D

Anyway, I'm fine being alone and often times I prefer it. I don't crave attention or anything but it's nice when it happens (depending on who it comes from).
And how this sucks to you? i have this curse but i feel like an very social person, i really enjoy and also feel the need to talk and talk and get attention, but it's strange how from nowhere i start get anxious in social circles and end up quiet...
I understand how you feel. I feel the same way. A good way to stop being socially anxious is to start with small social interactions and work your way up. Don't let social anxiety stop you from socializing, the best way to stop it is to be more social.
I'm reading this book now called "Don't sweat the small stuff... and it's all small stuff" and I think it's pretty helpful for how to act in social situations. We are all a bit awkward sometimes, but this book really lays out plainly how to get the most out of conversations by learning to listen to people and to think before you respond...things that seem obvious, but sometimes we need a little reminder... And in the end making our interactions more meaningful and fulfilling. It's an old book, got it for $2 at a second hand store and an easy read.