Day 20 done.
One must keep reminding oneself that as the streak becomes longer and longer , it does not imply that one can take lesser and lesser measures , with the assumption that the malaise is becoming weaker and weaker.
Nay, as the streak becomes longer and longer one must become stronger and stronger with one's fortifications because the enemy can strike at any time, and with unprecedented force. Furthermore, as the streak becomes longer and longer the great city of our minds becomes more and prosperous and more bountiful.
We therefore have a lot more to lose if our streak is broken later after a long streak. Trust me, after relapsing after every long streak, it took me a whole year to come back where I am now. The mind simply refuses to just begin again after the relapse, it is as if it has given up on itself, and doesn't want to suffer the trials and travails of the beginning the journey again.
So, yeah, reminder to myself: Do not become lax. Do not weaken the fortifications. Become stronger and stronger day after day. Aye, the enemy may strike with unprecedented force, but hell "aye, even I the great civilization of myself shall be stronger than ever before, and shall dispatch the enemy without even batting an eyelid.
No, this is not something related to an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. But something related to a very, very stoppable force meeting a hard as nails motherfucker who is just tired of being defeated.