Are there any incels here?

Im not formally an incel but I do have a very hard time getting dates and am very nervous to ask a girl out because of past rejections that where painful to my self esteem and made me feel like a worthless loser.

Also I am 50 lbs underweight so I say "Why even bother asking a girl out" in my current condition. Yet i cant bring myself to start going to the gym, I just keep procrastinating tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Now i realize that I have psychological trauma. I mean that I have PTSD from the severity of the mental anguish from the rejections. So subconsicously I dont go to the gym because it makes me realize that if I get a nice body it will mean "I have to" ask a girl out and risk the sting of rejection once again.

So now I am trying to work thru these psychological issues but it feels like swimming against the current. Today I was supoosed to start with the weight lifting and I let myself down once again. Now I feel disgusted with myself
Im not formally an incel but I do have a very hard time getting dates and am very nervous to ask a girl out because of past rejections that where painful to my self esteem and made me feel like a worthless loser.

Also I am 50 lbs underweight so I say "Why even bother asking a girl out" in my current condition. Yet i cant bring myself to start going to the gym, I just keep procrastinating tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

Now i realize that I have psychological trauma. I mean that I have PTSD from the severity of the mental anguish from the rejections. So subconsicously I dont go to the gym because it makes me realize that if I get a nice body it will mean "I have to" ask a girl out and risk the sting of rejection once again.

So now I am trying to work thru these psychological issues but it feels like swimming against the current. Today I was supoosed to start with the weight lifting and I let myself down once again. Now I feel disgusted with myself

Come on homie, you're worth more than that.
I've been with at least 20 girls and I can tell you quality over quantity, empty sex is just as bad as PMO in my opinion and that quality is not just about having a quality girl but having a quality life.

A big part of this journey is self-discovery (no pun intended) and understanding how you can enjoy the most out of your life by getting rid of an addiction. A drug addict doesn't just get rid of the addiction and poof his life is better, a recovering addict has to find things in his life that are more enjoyable than instant gratification and the crash/hangover/withdrawal that it causes.
Thanks. Sometimes though I just get so angry at myself for being a coward and staying inside my "safe zone". I just want to wake up tomorrow morning and JUST DO IT to just go lift weights and ENOUGH already with living in a skinny body and its a disgrace because society does not respect guys like that.

Im just going to FORCE myself. Its been almost a year since I got laid. And the last time it was this skank that just came up to me and started talking to me and then asks me "Can i sleep over at your house?" and she was so very direct. I wish I could have an experience like that again. It must be so cool to have a girl just "throw herself" at you like that. I mean it must be so cool to be one of those guys that has girls hitting ON THEM like that. But of course Im never going to become one of those guys without lifting weights
I don't find gratification on sleeping with girls who "throw themselves" on me but if they show interest and we keep it nothing beyond having a nice conversation then I'm very happy.

I remember at a mate's birthday we went to a club and basically every girl I spoke to was flirty, I wasn't looking for sex but a lot of girls will take heaps of interest in you if they know you're "safe" and don't want anything else from them but good company.

When I moved interstate I spent the first few weeks at a backpackers hostel, admin put three hot Swedish girls and a Canadian in my dorm and all the guys were jealous. I said to one guy "they keep on putting on the hot girls in my room!" and the guy was like "it's because admin knows you won't try and do anything to them".

One strategy I have towards approaching women is the line "Hey, just letting you know I don't want anything from you but _____" and then I explain my reason for talking to them such as "I just think you look like a nice person to talk to" or " I just want you to know I think you have fantastic hair", you get the privilege of complimenting them and their acceptance of your compliment without thinking you're just trying to get laid or take their money like a street bum lol.

Seriously, put "getting laid" as the last thing on your list and just enjoy the company of both men and women alike and good sex will come to you at the right time, in my opinion the best time is after you've found the one girl you love and it is mutual and progresses to marriage but your choices are your choices.
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What issues do you have with red pillers?
They have this "macho, don't be nice, don't be friendly" attitude when every "success" or sexual conquest I've had with women in the past has been because I'm not trying to act tough or bossy, I've been genuinely nice and friendly and taken time to listen to what women have to say and accommodate their emotions.
They have this "macho, don't be nice, don't be friendly" attitude when every "success" or sexual conquest I've had with women in the past has been because I'm not trying to act tough or bossy, I've been genuinely nice and friendly and taken time to listen to what women have to say and accommodate their emotions.
How would you define and identify a red piller?
I'm sure there's some incels here. Lot of virgins like me too, but I'm actually volcel (for now). If you're looking for blackpill there isn't much here. That's because NoFap is about support, not resentment. This, in my opinion, makes it a perfect place for blackpillers/incels who want to improve their situation. I guarantee that you will always find someone who can relate to your situation and/or give you positive feedback. If you can relax some of your assumptions about the world and try new, difficult things then you might be surprised at what you can accomplish. PM me for realtalk.
What's a volcel.
And what's a blackpiller. Lol
Incel stands for involuntarily celibate while volcel would mean voluntarily celibate. I don’t know what a blackpill is other than I think these new ideologies were invented by pill poppers.
What's a volcel.
And what's a blackpiller. Lol
Volcel is voluntary celibate. (I've turned down sex). Blackpill is an ideology that basically states if you aren't attractive or a woman then your life is over, and that women are just "holes," and that they want to use men for their own benefit, etc. It has a lot of overlap with MGTOW but they're not the same thing. Not all incels subscribe to "blackpill" which is why I make the distinction between incels in general and blackpilled incels. Sex-havers can be blackpilled too but it is less common, mostly because blackpill ideology stems from frustration due to lack of sexual stimulation. Hope that clarifies things.
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A guy who thinks he knows stuff about relationships most people don't know or don't realize, therefore feels superior to what they call "Blue-pillers".
Their relationship "wisdom" is also basically just acting "dominant" like a fucking ape, no regard for actually listening to women and accommodating their thoughts and emotions because "women don't know what they want, they really just want men to boss them around".

Fucking dumbasses, if you want to shag a girl who has no confidence in herself, no brain and therefore will sleep with any dog-minded ape then go ahead but you'll never have the real satisfaction of being in a relationship with mutual respect with a real woman.
Their relationship "wisdom" is also basically just acting "dominant" like a fucking ape, no regard for actually listening to women and accommodating their thoughts and emotions because "women don't know what they want, they really just want men to boss them around".

Fucking dumbasses, if you want to shag a girl who has no confidence in herself, no brain and therefore will sleep with any dog-minded ape then go ahead but you'll never have the real satisfaction of being in a relationship with mutual respect with a real woman.
To be fair they don't all say that. I've seen a couple threads lately where people say they just want someone to love/someone who they respect and respects them. It's a little uncommon for them to say it but I think that's what they all feel deep down.