Are you addicted to anything besides PMO?


Are most of you just addicted to PMO or do you have an addictive personality in general?

I have been struggling with a gambling addiction since I was very very young. I also used to vape a lot but luckily was able to quit that addiction.

I always wonder if getting addicted to PMO at such a young age(around 11 years old) also increased the chances of me being addicted to other things
They are called cross addiction....i'm not addicted to alcool but it is really strong related to PMO for me, so is a cross addiction. Personally they work together to feed each others and when i tried in the past to quit one the other would get stronger and bigger. All of this has been almost impossible to fight until i started with this journey to be aware of it, analyze it and work on it
Are most of you just addicted to PMO or do you have an addictive personality in general?

I have been struggling with a gambling addiction since I was very very young. I also used to vape a lot but luckily was able to quit that addiction.

I always wonder if getting addicted to PMO at such a young age(around 11 years old) also increased the chances of me being addicted to other things
My phone.
some people have addictive personalities to a lot of things. I used to abuse alcohol for many years. It made me feel good and help with the loneliness. After seeing the results of it, I quit. I has been over 4 years now. I hav noticed that my body is a lot better than it used to be with booze.

Overeating was another big thing. I used to love eating and eating foods. I have cut down on that somewhat but I do enjoy eating, that's one of my last pleasures. lol

P is the hardest to quit but I must. I found an amazing girl and we plan to have a family in the near future. And when I imagine watching P while my kids are in another room, it makes me think what kind of father I will be. I don't want to be that father. I don't want the kids to find out about my addiction. Plus I want to enjoy sex with my gf. So the reasons are very clear.

I have been hitting the gym hard, group classes. With great music and like minded people, They help a lot. I love traveling, 100,000 miles a year in airline miles.

Some people have addictive behaviors. The key is to get on a healthy addiction. No one is perfect and we all screw up. As we get older, we learn from our mistakes and become better people.
Are most of you just addicted to PMO or do you have an addictive personality in general?

I have been struggling with a gambling addiction since I was very very young. I also used to vape a lot but luckily was able to quit that addiction.

I always wonder if getting addicted to PMO at such a young age(around 11 years old) also increased the chances of me being addicted to other things
It's not at the level with PMO, but I do have a tendency to go on YouTube and mindlessly watch videos if I have downtime between responsibilities. Gets at the same dopamine itch, I suppose. I have YouTube added to my phone and PC blockers now, but there's still the option of getting on it through my smart TV. Might have to consider nabbing an old box TV if I see one at a garage sale.
Sugar, caffeine, junk food

I also rely extremely on the internet as my daily source of entertainment
i basically go from 1 addiction to another.
anything that makes me feel good becomes addicting.

right now it's sports. it makes me happy when i feel down. so then i do it more and more and more ...

don't ask me to quit. it's like smoking for me. it must be the pathways in the brain or something like that.
I have a propensity for pot, although I wouldn’t call it an addiction. I am however cutting it out completely as I begin my nofap journey.
Yes, the god damn internet and .. online chess. I can play for 12 hours a day, which is why I banned it all together with porn :D
I'll post a 30 days success story, where I will go into detail about this, because I think I need to incorporate this into my journey. There was a time in my life where I would not be on my computer for 2 weeks, because it was possible in my old job. A lot of things changed, now I'm plugged into this thing all day - this needs to change.
Social media and this forum can get addictive. For the most part, I have it under control but if I'm not careful I end up spending hours on it.

Also eFootball. When it comes to games I have self-control but I can spend too much time on this game.
right now it's sports. it makes me happy when i feel down. so then i do it more and more and more ...

don't ask me to quit. it's like smoking for me. it must be the pathways in the brain or something like that.

I think that's ok as long as you don't take it too seriously. We all need some downtime and we can't be serious all the time. It would be a problem if you go around smashing your house up when your team loses or you attack fans of other teams. And I'm pretty sure you don't do that.