At this time, on this date, world was changed forever.


New Fapstronaut

Hello friends. I am Fateh and i am 26 years old man. I have been addicted with P & M for over a decade now. Before coming across this forum i considered myself the biggest masturbator and porn addictor of all time. If i collected my semen that i ejected through masturbation, i am sure it would easily fill up a swimming pool. I masturbated so often that sometimes only air would come out instead of semen. I can masturbate like 10 times a day even after a decade of practice. I am so addicted that while my roommate is deep into his sleep i would wake up and start watching porn. Sometimes i would cancel outings with my friends just to watch porn and masturbate.

Current situation:

Although i have a good job and i am doing well financially but this bad habit has screwed my life. Sometimes i think that if i hadn’t wasted my time through this habit, i would have easily done something great to achieve some of my dreams (considering the time and energy wastage).

Biggest problem:

I am at a very critical point in my life. It is my dream to set up my own business which of course needs time and energy. This bad habit always hijacks me to use my time and energy in watching porn and masturbating (which I have developed stamina to do for all day long). After doing this I always feel tired at work with low confidence and self-esteem. At this point in time I feel that if I cannot get rid of this, my dream will be shattered forever.

Other problems:

I always feel tired, my brain is always foggy, I cannot concentrate, I am biggest procrastinator of all time, I have social anxiety, I avoid meeting people.

What I hope:

I hope that I can get rid of this shit. I can again be my self. I can again focus, I can again be social, I can again have good memory, I can again have clear mind and I can work on my dreams for them to come true.

What I request from this forum:

I request all those who felt like me and came out clean, to come and help me. I request you all to share your experience and be in touch with

On a lighter note:
Despite of all the exessive porn and masturbation, i am not fed up with this. Some times i feel i have super natural sexual powers. No PIED, no decrease in urges. I still have morning erections daily.

Thank you note:
As i said "at this time, on this date, world was changed forever". I thank you all for being a part of this new world.
Change the title of the thread to: At this time, on this date, MY world was changed forever."

Its about you. Not anyone else.
