If people who aren’t “nurses” weren’t allowed to give there take on anything then we’d live in a more mess up world.
What about police brutality? If you’re not a cop you’re not qualified to give your take, anything you is an uninformed opinion.
Thus type of logic is backwards it’s hilarious.
Its a subtle admission to believing you’re apart of the elite, because only you can dispense information.
Also on the topic of people talking about Australia despite never visiting it. It has to be that I’m an American, because people who aren’t American or have ever been to the country criticize the US all the time and I never hear an American drop the same “you’ve never been here” that these Aussies are. I think it’s because we’re used to being under a microscope.
If the Auzzie government was so great then the world wouldn’t be criticizing it so intensely.
Look at a Apartheid and SA it came toppling down because the world looking in could see the problem.
So to conclude:
Every take levied here is worth the same as some “nurse” don’t let her use of academic language fool you, because she has the same amount of credibility as any other poor soul that uses this dorum.
It's hard not to agree with this. This type of argument, called an "argument from authority fallacy" is a fallacy for a reason. Just for the hell of it, let's take a look at a recent example of why people in authority should not be listened to simply on the merit of them being in that position.
In the UK, a woman was kidnapped, raped, and then killed by a police officer who pretended to arrest her for violating covid laws. He was sentenced to life in prison but it's too little too late - a woman is dead. He got away with acting like a pervert in the past and was not investigated because he was a cop.
Now is this situation an outlier? Well, to the extent that it leads to rape and murder, perhaps. But in a more general sense? No. People in authority will ALWAYS leverage their positions to shield themselves from criticism, and get away with things us regular people would be blasted for. I'm at the point in my life where I see some moron in a lab coat or a politician on the television, and I trust them LESS because of their position, not more. I find it staggering that this level of trust is being put in people who have been shown to lie and lie and lie and lie some more. What happened to healthy distrust of authority? When did everyone turn into a willing serf?
Then again, what should I expect from those who seem to think I directly compared Australia to North Korea? Cause I didn't. I urge anyone who thought I did to brush up on their reading comprehension and give what I posted another attempt. What I actually did was highlight the absurdity of saying people who dont live in Australia are not allowed to criticise it, by using a country none of us live in, like North Korea. I guess if I ever order something at a restaurant and it has a toenail in it, it's not my place to be upset, cause I'm not a chef? Miss me with that bollocks.