Be The Change You Want to See in Yourself


TL DR: This movement has gotten away from the self-improvement side of the coin. Don't wait for NoFap "superpowers". If you want to see an improvement in an area of your life (women attraction, confidence, etc), you need to work on that area specifically.

Head: I've been on for about a year now. This place jump-started me in me self-improvement journey. However, I've noticed a significant trend on here: people are obsessed with the "superpowers" that people claim happen on longer streaks. And in my opinion, waiting for a miracle is a horrible mindset to have.

Body: For the longest time, I used to search, with a fine toothed-comb, the Success Stories section. I looked for posts about having women be attracted to me more after a long streak. I did this because I wanted reasurancre in regards to proving the miracle I thought NoFap was. I believed that if I abstained from PMO for a long enough time, women would be all over me. That it would fill some gap I was missing, whether it be confidence or something I didn't know. (NOTE: I am not morbidly disformed).

One of my friends that I met on here had it even worse than me. He based his whole mindset on how many days he had abstained from PMO. He told me often: "I was only on day (x) so I failed. Maybe in a few days..."

I've tried to tell him that mindset is negative to have, and that it's holding him back. He doesn't listen. This is why I made this post:

The truth is that NoFap is only one piece of the self-improvement puzzle. Rebooting from any addiction is a great first step, and can help a person act, feel, and be much better than they were. However, don't get into the mindset that doing this one thing will solve all of your problems for you.

Don't let this discourage you by any means; the shortest way from point A to B is a straight line. Going after a goal directly will yield much quicker results than waiting for superpowers to kick in. While NoFap is a great first step, it isn't everything.

Conclusion: If you want to improve in an area of your life, don't wait for a miracle to occur. Wasting time in a bad mindset does nobody good. Kick yourself in the ass and go after what you want directly!

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
~ Gahndi

This is my first higher-quality post online, so any constructive criticism is encouraged. Thanks!
The concept of superpowers is something that plays on the fantasies and insecurities of people who are introverted, socially anxious, and/or not good at talking to others. It plays into socially awkward people's tendency toward belief in fantasy and magical thinking and offers them a magic bullet that promises to make the most desirable people desire them without risk of rejection, pain, or embarrassment.

Porn was a way to escape the scary, uncertain, and difficult reality into a world of easy, certain, and instant gratification. So it's no surprise that porn addicts have conditioned themselves to continue to seek more of that in other areas of life. Life can be hard. So the concept of superpowers offers comfort and hope that they don't have to face actual pain, problems, and negative experiences. That's the kind of mindset that leads back to forms of escapism like porn.
The concept of superpowers is something that plays on the fantasies and insecurities of people who are introverted, socially anxious, and/or not good at talking to others. It plays into socially awkward people's tendency toward belief in fantasy and magical thinking and offers them a magic bullet that promises to make the most desirable people desire them without risk of rejection, pain, or embarrassment.

Porn was a way to escape the scary, uncertain, and difficult reality into a world of easy, certain, and instant gratification. So it's no surprise that porn addicts have conditioned themselves to continue to seek more of that in other areas of life. Life can be hard. So the concept of superpowers offers comfort and hope that they don't have to face actual pain, problems, and negative experiences. That's the kind of mindset that leads back to forms of escapism like porn.
Agreed, you need a go-getter mindset to actually go out and get something.
Agreed, you need a go-getter mindset to actually go out and get something.
The so-called superpowers do exist and could be definitely achieved by most people, especially those who are not that low-functioning to begin with. Yes, NoFap is just a fraction of the whole equation along with that go-getter mindset. Even then, that won't still probably be enough. Being a go-getter is good but it only deals with the symptoms of the problem, not its root. At this point neuroscience would make its grand entrance. You simply cannot expect everyone to do this. Not everyone was born with a good headstart when it comes to willpower (due to variance in neurological structures, most especially the brain) and that alone negates the concept of free-will. Although yes, plenty of people do underestimate their will-power.

Superpowers is nothing more than the absence of fear and people without fear do exist. Another word for it would be limbic underactivation. Lack of fight and flight response along with a large, thick and dark prefrontal cortex and having plenty of gray matter in the cerebral cortex as a whole. The ability to hold carbon dioxide for extended periods before eventual asphyxiation plays a vital role too, as maintaining high base levels of Co2 in our blood would mean that our blood vessels would never be susceptible to constriction, ensuring that o2 or oxygen actually gets into our vitals rather than just being a useless compound in our blood. Gut microbiota also plays a role. Also from stopping all unproductive activities that would result in a dopamine spike. Also from preventing prolactin build-up by abstinence for extended periods. NoPMO or abstinence of any self-destructive behavior in general (even drugs, provided one could go cold-turkey by just the sheer power of will) attempts to erode ΔFosB build-up in the nucleus accumbens, in which phenomenon is crucial for forging habits and also for destroying unhealthy ones (a very long process). Anyways enough of that. Chances are, those people might be ruling us right now, subjecting us to their whims. These people are a little more than just brave. Fortunately, most people could exploit this phenomenon called neuroplasticity in order to change their brain the way they want it. Neuroplasticity, in other words, our brain's ability to adapt to situations and behaviors, thus producing all sorts of effects, good or bad. PMO addiction is neuroplasticity in action. Your go-getter advice could simply be reduced as a mere attempt to exploit this phenomenon, in hopes that if one would persist with this mindset one will eventually get used to it. Ostensibly, this is a great idea, but certainly not one of the best options out there for this specific purpose. Nonetheless, it will still help and could induce a sense of progress.
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The so-called superpowers do exist and could be definitely achieved by most people, especially those who are not that low-functioning to begin with. Yes, NoFap is just a fraction of the whole equation along with that go-getter mindset. Even then, that won't still probably be enough. Being a go-getter is good but it only deals with the symptoms of the problem, not its root. At this point neuroscience would make its grand entrance. You simply cannot expect everyone to do this. Not everyone was born with a good headstart when it comes to willpower (due to variance in neurological structures, most especially the brain) and that alone negates the concept of free-will. Although yes, plenty of people do underestimate their will-power.

Superpowers is nothing more than the absence of fear and people without fear do exist. Another word for it would be limbic underactivation. Lack of fight and flight response along with a large, thick and dark prefrontal cortex and having plenty of gray matter in the cerebral cortex as a whole. The ability to hold carbon dioxide for extended periods before eventual aphyxiation plays a vital role too, as maintaining high base levels of Co2 in our blood would mean that our blood vessels would never be susceptible to constriction, ensuring that o2 or oxygen actually gets into our vitals rather than just being a useless compound in our blood. Gut microbiota also plays a role. Also from stopping all unproductive activities that would result in a dopamine spike. Also from preventing prolactin build-up by abstinence for extended periods. NoPMO or abstinence of any self-destructive behavior in general (even drugs, provided one could go cold-turkey by just the sheer power of will) attempts to erode ΔFosB build-up in the nucleus accumbens, in which phenomenon is crucial for forging habits and also for destroying unhealthy ones (a very long process). Anyways enough of that. Chances are, those people might be ruling us right now, subjecting us to their whims. These people are a little more than just brave. Fortunately, most people could exploit this phenomenon called neuroplasticity in order to change their brain the way they want it. Neuroplasticity, in other words, our brain's ability to adapt to situations and behaviors, thus producing all sorts of effects, good or bad. PMO addiction is neuroplasticity in action. Your go-getter advice could simply be reduced as a mere attempt to exploit this phenomenon, in hopes that if one would persist with this mindset one will eventually get used to it. Ostensibly, this is a great idea, but certainly not one of the best options out there for this specific purpose. Nonetheless, it will still help and could induce a sense of progress.
That is a lot of information there, do you have any sources to back up those scientific claims?
That is a lot of information there, do you have any sources to back up those scientific claims?
Yes, definitely! Studies from NCBI or similar caliber and not just pathethic anecdotes (although those might say something to so as long as someone could actually discern isolated cases from documented representative evidences that were actually peer-reviewed) I'm actually itching right now to post those links but then I'm a new member here so if you would kindly excuse me for awhile and give me at least a day. Why have a pesky rule like that here anyways? Well I could always leave this site if I don't like it lol

Meanwhile, try to refute all of those with scientific evidences yourself. I know I have the burden of proof but I could barely do anything at this point so.
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Yes, definitely! Studies from NCBI or similar caliber and not just pathethic anecdotes (although those might say something to so as long as someone could actually discern isolated cases from documented representative evidences that were actually peer-reviewed) I'm actually itching right now to post those links but then I'm a new member here so if you would kindly excuse me for awhile and give me at least a day. Why have a pesky rule like that here anyways? Well I could always leave this site if I don't like it lol

Meanwhile, try to refute all of those with scientific evidences yourself. I know I have the burden of proof but I could barely do anything at this point so.
Don't worry, I'm not about trying to refute science; it seems you know what you're talking about. I just wanted the sources to see more detail.
Don't worry, I'm not about trying to refute science; it seems you know what you're talking about. I just wanted the sources to see more detail.
Damn. Posting another link didn't work, I still need 1 more day lol. Just create a dummy facebook account, put the link here and I will send it immediately.

But yeah I guess it's enough that you have noticed.

I have found some disturbing links in meditation and psychopathy anyways and I could spend all day trying to explain this correlation, with or without links (although I'd rather do it tommorrow since I might already be able to post links)

In other words, I'll try to show what would actually happen when one achieves too much superpowers.

Contrary to popular belief, psychopathy isn't inherently evil. Let's just say that it's like some person carrying a semi-automatic weapon at all times. Would it be proper to say that mere possession would already make him morally depraved? (hell, even the laws won't agree with this since it is only illegal because the laws make it so, unlike some other crimes like murder which is malum in se)

It's not even diagnosable anymore. I never mentioned this earlier because I know this is such an outrageous claim for typical folks to hear and I know better than to not calibrate my language to the one's I'm talking to (but if anyone's interested, I could explain this in great detail with accompanying proofs)

Psychopath ≠ Psychotic
One smells good. The other, stinks.

"...but....but psychopathy cannot be induced, because if this were possible, it would not be psychopathy anymore, but sociopathy instead."

What the hell does a mental disorder has something to do with meditation, let alone NoFap?
( ......I'll follow up some "forbidden dark arts" shit shortly after this, and unlike some spiritual nonsense, this one is jampacked with science. It's actually on my draft now but then baby users cannot post links yet. BRB after 14 hours)
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The so-called superpowers do exist and could be definitely achieved by most people, especially those who are not that low-functioning to begin with. Yes, NoFap is just a fraction of the whole equation along with that go-getter mindset. Even then, that won't still probably be enough. Being a go-getter is good but it only deals with the symptoms of the problem, not its root. At this point neuroscience would make its grand entrance. You simply cannot expect everyone to do this. Not everyone was born with a good headstart when it comes to willpower (due to variance in neurological structures, most especially the brain) and that alone negates the concept of free-will. Although yes, plenty of people do underestimate their will-power.

Superpowers is nothing more than the absence of fear and people without fear do exist.1 Another word for it would be limbic underactivation.2 Lack of fight and flight response along with a large, thick and dark prefrontal cortex3 and having plenty of gray matter in the cerebral cortex as a whole. The ability to hold carbon dioxide for extended periods before eventual aphyxiation plays a vital role too, as maintaining high base levels of Co2 in our blood would mean that our blood vessels would never be susceptible to constriction, ensuring that o2 or oxygen actually gets into our vitals rather than just being a useless compound in our blood.4 Gut microbiota also plays a role.5 Also from stopping all unproductive activities that would result in a dopamine spike.6 Also from preventing prolactin build-up by abstinence for extended periods.7 NoPMO or abstinence of any self-destructive behavior in general (even drugs, provided one could go cold-turkey by just the sheer power of will) attempts to erode ΔFosB build-up in the nucleus accumbens, in which phenomenon is crucial for forging habits and also for destroying unhealthy ones (a very long process).8 Anyways enough of that. Chances are, those people might be ruling us right now, subjecting us to their whims.9 These people are a little more than just brave. Fortunately, most people could exploit this phenomenon called neuroplasticity10 in order to change their brain the way they want it. Neuroplasticity, in other words, our brain's ability to adapt to situations and behaviors, thus producing all sorts of effects, good or bad. PMO addiction is neuroplasticity in action.11 Your go-getter advice could simply be reduced as a mere attempt to exploit this phenomenon, in hopes that if one would persist with this mindset one will eventually get used to it. Ostensibly, this is a great idea, but certainly not one of the best options out there for this specific purpose. Nonetheless, it will still help and could induce a sense of progress.12
to all:
(No tl;dr. I would also encourage criticisms, objective criticisms about my interpretation but any criticisms and arguments about morality, about what's right or wrong or about some self-righteous belief that is bereft of any proof is discouraged. Words like, "Fear gives our life meaning!!!!" Seriously, only post such when it is clear to yourself that you only intend to troll because you will not certainly want the disrespect that would result in you wasting my time with your pathetic beliefs. I wish I could put more stress into this because those type of things just pisses me off. Such exchanges won't be productive either since there would be no facts involved, only opinions and that piece of shit would be a waste of time.)


Psychopathy's defining trait is the absence of fear mechanism response, and is not evil per se. It's just when these people try and decide to be evil, it would be a million times worse compared to their neurotypical counterparts. This isn't diagnosable at the moment. Given how these people end up in some of the most powerful positions in our society, it's not even sure if this is actually a disorder or not, let alone an illness. These people are also some of the most promiscious beings that have ever walked above this planet. To put it simply, psychopathy, or at least a high-functioning one just makes you more capable. I just cannot see the logic of refusing to be more capable.

Anyone, feel free to assert that all of those people are morally depraved. For every single proof that you have, I have like 10, so do it at your own peril (see I don't have time for some petty arguments which revolves around some abstract subjective matters. "oooohh that's evil why u no morals what u threw your life away dat is not the way ill show u the wey what would the spirit of the glas say"...shut up. proof or gtfo.)


In summary, cognitive neuroscience studies of affective processing have found that the neural circuits embracing the temporo-limbic system are either dysfunctional or hypofunctioning in psychopathy.


Unsuccessful psychopaths had lower PFC volumes than both successful psychopaths and non-psychopaths, although successful psychopaths and non-psychopaths did not significantly differ with respect to PFC volume.

-PFC gray matter and self-control: -More recent studies of humans with lesions of PFC have further characterized the effects as impairments of “executive function”, and, in particular, attention (Knight 1984; Duncan 1986; Shallice and Burgess 1991;Passingham 1993; Grafman 1994).


Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a profound and reversible effect on cerebral blood flow, such that hypercapnia causes marked dilation of cerebral arteries and arterioles and increased blood flow, whereas hypocapnia causes constriction and decreased blood flow [167,168]. The potent vasodilator effect of CO2 is demonstrated by the finding that in humans 5% CO2 inhalation causes an increase in cerebral blood flow by 50% and 7% CO2 inhalation causes a 100% increase in cerebral blood flow [168].
More here:


-Recent research has suggested that the gut microbiota has an influence on mood. Poor diet is a risk factor for depression; thus, a healthy diet may prevent depression. Regulation of the gut microbiota using diet, probiotics and FMT may have important benefits for preventing and treating depression. The gut-brain axis could aid in understanding and treating neuropsychiatric disorders, especially depression.


From a neurobiological point of view, behavioral addictions that only indirectly affect the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, can serve as reinforcers comparable to pharmacological substances that directly affect these systems (e.g., dopaminergic system).[23,24] Indeed, recent findings support the assumption of common mechanisms that underlie the development and maintenance of both behavioral and substance-related addiction.[25]

This leads to the assumption that excessively conducted behavioral addictions (e.g., excessive shopping/sport, pathological gambling/computer game-playing, internet browsing), which induce specific reward effects through biochemical processes in the body, do have an addictive potential as well. This assumption is also supported by several clinical experiences and scientific investigations. Therefore, several authors have postulated that the criteria of behavioral addiction are comparable with those of substance-related addiction.[27] Patients suffering from behavioral addiction describe addiction-specific phenomena and diagnostic criteria such as craving, excessive behavior, psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, development of tolerance (increased behavior range) and inducing and perceiving expected psychotropic effects (e.g., pathological gamblers use several slot machines at the same time).[26] In addition, the high comorbidity of behavioral addiction and substance-related addiction suggests comparable etiological mechanisms for their development. All in all, it seems appropriate to categorize excessively conducted behaviors which lead to suffering, as behavioral addictions.[27]


Most patients who present with erectile dysfunction caused by a prolactin-secreting adenoma will harbor a low serum T level. - i.e makes you less of a man.

In hyperprolactinemia, which induces hypogonadism, the excess prolactin interferes with secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, resulting in decreased testosterone and erectile dysfunction. - Emasculation, what else?

-Using data from three studies of men and women engaging in masturbation or penile-vaginal intercourse to orgasm in the laboratory, we report that for both sexes (adjusted for prolactin changes in a non-sexual control condition), the magnitude of prolactin increase following intercourse is 400% greater than that following masturbation. The results are interpreted as an indication of intercourse being more physiologically satisfying than masturbation, and discussed in light of prior research reporting greater physiological and psychological benefits associated with coitus than with any other sexual activities.
- Satisfying, but not in the long run. Prolactin is the hormone of complacency. High-levels of this keeps your drive in check a little bit too much, which could certainly hamper productivity and would lead to procrastination. The failure that would result from procrastination would inevitably end up as some sort of SUFFERING.

8. Go to YourBrainOnPorn. This has already been discussed ad nauseam.


- Neuroplasticity is a term that is used to describe the brain changes that occur in response to experience. There are many different mechanisms of neuroplasticity ranging from the growth of new connections to the creation of new neurons. When the framework of neuroplasticity is applied to meditation, we suggest that the mental training of meditation is fundamentally no different than other forms of skill acquisition that can induce plastic changes in the brain [
1,2]. (But by far one of the most powerful methods out there)
- AMYGDALA SIZE AND MEDITATION: Expert meditators also showed less activation than novices in the amygdala during FA meditation in response to emotional sounds. Activation in this affective region correlated negatively with hours of practice in life, as shown in Figure 1(A). This finding may support the idea that, advanced levels of concentration are associated with a significant decrease in emotionally reactive behaviors that are incompatible with stability of concentration.

-Moreover, there is a positive correlation between degree of amygdala activation and anxiety-symptom severity.
-GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) youth have hyper-activation of the amygdala to briefly-presented, masked threats. The presence of threat-related negative connectivity between the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and amygdala suggests that the prefrontal cortex modulates amygdala response to threat. In pediatric GAD, hyper-amygdala response occurs in the absence of a compensatory increase in modulation by ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.

In other words, the prefrontal cortex serves as a restraining device or "brake" for our irrational anxieties (amygdala). Prefrontal cortex is associated with self-control and amygdala with anxiety (social anxiety and the processing of deep emotions such as guilt, shame, depression, resentment, grief, sadness. I reckon "shallow" emotions are not included so deactivating this won't necessarily mean becoming a robot.) THEREFORE, more self-control means less anxiety, OR FEAR IN GENERAL, and less REACTIVITY TO EMOTIONS WHICH INDUCES SUFFERING.
- Go back to number 2. Psychopaths have also increased gray matter in the PFC and reduced amygdala size. Still cannot see something?
- Neuroscientist finds out that he's a psychopath (small amygdala, reduced regulation by the amygdala of the prefrontal cortex) :
-Meditation increases PFC thickness and gray matter:
-Brain regions associated with attention, interoception and sensory processing were thicker in meditation participants than matched controls, including the prefrontal cortex and right anterior insula. Between-group differences in prefrontal cortical thickness were most pronounced in older participants, suggesting that meditation might offset age-related cortical thinning. Finally, the thickness of two regions correlated with meditation experience. These data provide the first structural evidence for experience-dependent cortical plasticity associated with meditation practice.

-Meditation and amygdala reduction :

-amygdala and ventromedial PFC: A Psychology Today article with no goddamn references for some reason. Notwithstanding, I think I have already articulated enough of my sources above so this would be a mere shortcoming that should not be taken seriously. Besides, it was still a mental health professional who wrote this:

An important excerpt from said article:

The Brain on Meditation – I Can See Clearly Now
In contrast, if you meditate on a regular basis, several positive things happen. First, the strong, tightly held connection between the Me Center (specifically the unhelpful vmPFC) and the bodily sensation/fear centers begins to break down. As this connection withers, you will no longer assume that a bodily sensation or momentary feeling of fear means something is wrong with you or that you are the problem! This explains, in part, why anxiety decreases the more you meditate – it’s because the neural paths that link those upsetting sensations to the Me Center are decreasing. Said another way, your ability to ignore sensations of anxiety is enhanced as you begin to break that connection between the unhelpful parts of the Me Center and the bodily sensation/fear centers. As a result, you are more readily able to see those sensations for what they are and not respond as strongly to them (thanks to your strengthened Assessment Center).

In other words, this means that one is less likely to associate “gut feelings” and inappropriate fear-based responses with catastrophic ideas of self; ultimately, it can explain the ostensible decrease in anxiety in those who meditate.

Now, let's go back to #2, or better yet, this:

See it for yourself:
"It is concluded that these critical functions of the amygdala and vmPFC, and their interaction, are compromised in individuals with the disorder. It is argued that these impairments lead to the development of psychopathy."

Moving on...
11. See YBOP. Not worth explaining anymore, i.e ad nauseam
12. ?????

...lastly, I have experienced the effects of extended periods of meditation myself and I say its effects are 10x as profound compared to simple sexual repression of both mind and body. Now, combine this with the hardest version of NoFap/NoPMO/AbsoluteCelibacy. The rest is history.

It's a waste that people have to go through this just to cope up with this world which no one asked for.

Reader-friendly articles:

One of the fastest way to learn mindfulness and concentration meditation:

Self-control makes homo sapiens "human", not some outdated primitive response:

Willpower and meditation:

Wiki meditation :

Another one:

Prolactin bad effects:

Strong amygdala and weak PFC : Anxiety/depression, procrastination, incel, stuttering, rapid eye blinking, tremors, public speaking fears, (although these people might prove to be the most creative overall, I'll try to explain why next time. see, 90%+ of people are here because of their curiosity and not because someone else referred this site to them)

Weak amygdala and weak PFC: low-functioning psychopathy (criminals, degenerates, those mass shooters, a ticking time bomb)

Equal amygdala and PFC activity (or amygdala activity moderately regulated): average people (a decent goal to have especially if you just hit rock bottom)

Strong PFC and non-existent amygdala: high-functioning psychopathy (if life is a video game this person would be the overpowered hacker that just needs to be jumped on in order to get it killed)
The Brain on Meditation – I Can See Clearly Now
In contrast, if you meditate on a regular basis, several positive things happen. First, the strong, tightly held connection between the Me Center (specifically the unhelpful vmPFC) and the bodily sensation/fear centers begins to break down. As this connection withers, you will no longer assume that a bodily sensation or momentary feeling of fear means something is wrong with you or that you are the problem! This explains, in part, why anxiety decreases the more you meditate

plus this..

"It is concluded that these critical functions of the amygdala and vmPFC, and their interaction, are compromised in individuals with the disorder. It is argued that these impairments lead to the development of psychopathy."

Therefore, being a psychopath is a POSITIVE thing as some doctor said. LMAO

(I swear, some people just don't know what they're talking about when they decide to demonize things. Typically, most morons would be hard-pressed to accept and swallow this disturbing link between these two seemingly unrelated things.)

A work of art that was made several centuries ago. I cannot seem to find any displays of empathy here. What a scumbag.images (73).jpg

That is a lot of information there, do you have any sources to back up those scientific claims?
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to all:
(No tl;dr. I would also encourage criticisms, objective criticisms about my interpretation but any criticisms and arguments about morality, about what's right or wrong or about some self-righteous belief that is bereft of any proof is discouraged. Words like, "Fear gives our life meaning!!!!" Seriously, only post such when it is clear to yourself that you only intend to troll because you will not certainly want the disrespect that would result in you wasting my time with your pathetic beliefs. I wish I could put more stress into this because those type of things just pisses me off. Such exchanges won't be productive either since there would be no facts involved, only opinions and that piece of shit would be a waste of time.)


Psychopathy's defining trait is the absence of fear mechanism response, and is not evil per se. It's just when these people try and decide to be evil, it would be a million times worse compared to their neurotypical counterparts. This isn't diagnosable at the moment. Given how these people end up in some of the most powerful positions in our society, it's not even sure if this is actually a disorder or not, let alone an illness. These people are also some of the most promiscious beings that have ever walked above this planet. To put it simply, psychopathy, or at least a high-functioning one just makes you more capable. I just cannot see the logic of refusing to be more capable.

Anyone, feel free to assert that all of those people are morally depraved. For every single proof that you have, I have like 10, so do it at your own peril (see I don't have time for some petty arguments which revolves around some abstract subjective matters. "oooohh that's evil why u no morals what u threw your life away dat is not the way ill show u the wey what would the spirit of the glas say"...shut up. proof or gtfo.)


In summary, cognitive neuroscience studies of affective processing have found that the neural circuits embracing the temporo-limbic system are either dysfunctional or hypofunctioning in psychopathy.


Unsuccessful psychopaths had lower PFC volumes than both successful psychopaths and non-psychopaths, although successful psychopaths and non-psychopaths did not significantly differ with respect to PFC volume.

-PFC gray matter and self-control: -More recent studies of humans with lesions of PFC have further characterized the effects as impairments of “executive function”, and, in particular, attention (Knight 1984; Duncan 1986; Shallice and Burgess 1991;Passingham 1993; Grafman 1994).


Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a profound and reversible effect on cerebral blood flow, such that hypercapnia causes marked dilation of cerebral arteries and arterioles and increased blood flow, whereas hypocapnia causes constriction and decreased blood flow [167,168]. The potent vasodilator effect of CO2 is demonstrated by the finding that in humans 5% CO2 inhalation causes an increase in cerebral blood flow by 50% and 7% CO2 inhalation causes a 100% increase in cerebral blood flow [168].
More here:


-Recent research has suggested that the gut microbiota has an influence on mood. Poor diet is a risk factor for depression; thus, a healthy diet may prevent depression. Regulation of the gut microbiota using diet, probiotics and FMT may have important benefits for preventing and treating depression. The gut-brain axis could aid in understanding and treating neuropsychiatric disorders, especially depression.


From a neurobiological point of view, behavioral addictions that only indirectly affect the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, can serve as reinforcers comparable to pharmacological substances that directly affect these systems (e.g., dopaminergic system).[23,24] Indeed, recent findings support the assumption of common mechanisms that underlie the development and maintenance of both behavioral and substance-related addiction.[25]

This leads to the assumption that excessively conducted behavioral addictions (e.g., excessive shopping/sport, pathological gambling/computer game-playing, internet browsing), which induce specific reward effects through biochemical processes in the body, do have an addictive potential as well. This assumption is also supported by several clinical experiences and scientific investigations. Therefore, several authors have postulated that the criteria of behavioral addiction are comparable with those of substance-related addiction.[27] Patients suffering from behavioral addiction describe addiction-specific phenomena and diagnostic criteria such as craving, excessive behavior, psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, development of tolerance (increased behavior range) and inducing and perceiving expected psychotropic effects (e.g., pathological gamblers use several slot machines at the same time).[26] In addition, the high comorbidity of behavioral addiction and substance-related addiction suggests comparable etiological mechanisms for their development. All in all, it seems appropriate to categorize excessively conducted behaviors which lead to suffering, as behavioral addictions.[27]


Most patients who present with erectile dysfunction caused by a prolactin-secreting adenoma will harbor a low serum T level. - i.e makes you less of a man.

In hyperprolactinemia, which induces hypogonadism, the excess prolactin interferes with secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, resulting in decreased testosterone and erectile dysfunction. - Emasculation, what else?

-Using data from three studies of men and women engaging in masturbation or penile-vaginal intercourse to orgasm in the laboratory, we report that for both sexes (adjusted for prolactin changes in a non-sexual control condition), the magnitude of prolactin increase following intercourse is 400% greater than that following masturbation. The results are interpreted as an indication of intercourse being more physiologically satisfying than masturbation, and discussed in light of prior research reporting greater physiological and psychological benefits associated with coitus than with any other sexual activities.
- Satisfying, but not in the long run. Prolactin is the hormone of complacency. High-levels of this keeps your drive in check a little bit too much, which could certainly hamper productivity and would lead to procrastination. The failure that would result from procrastination would inevitably end up as some sort of SUFFERING.

8. Go to YourBrainOnPorn. This has already been discussed ad nauseam.


- Neuroplasticity is a term that is used to describe the brain changes that occur in response to experience. There are many different mechanisms of neuroplasticity ranging from the growth of new connections to the creation of new neurons. When the framework of neuroplasticity is applied to meditation, we suggest that the mental training of meditation is fundamentally no different than other forms of skill acquisition that can induce plastic changes in the brain [
1,2]. (But by far one of the most powerful methods out there)
- AMYGDALA SIZE AND MEDITATION: Expert meditators also showed less activation than novices in the amygdala during FA meditation in response to emotional sounds. Activation in this affective region correlated negatively with hours of practice in life, as shown in Figure 1(A). This finding may support the idea that, advanced levels of concentration are associated with a significant decrease in emotionally reactive behaviors that are incompatible with stability of concentration.

-Moreover, there is a positive correlation between degree of amygdala activation and anxiety-symptom severity.
-GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) youth have hyper-activation of the amygdala to briefly-presented, masked threats. The presence of threat-related negative connectivity between the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and amygdala suggests that the prefrontal cortex modulates amygdala response to threat. In pediatric GAD, hyper-amygdala response occurs in the absence of a compensatory increase in modulation by ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.

In other words, the prefrontal cortex serves as a restraining device or "brake" for our irrational anxieties (amygdala). Prefrontal cortex is associated with self-control and amygdala with anxiety (social anxiety and the processing of deep emotions such as guilt, shame, depression, resentment, grief, sadness. I reckon "shallow" emotions are not included so deactivating this won't necessarily mean becoming a robot.) THEREFORE, more self-control means less anxiety, OR FEAR IN GENERAL, and less REACTIVITY TO EMOTIONS WHICH INDUCES SUFFERING.
- Go back to number 2. Psychopaths have also increased gray matter in the PFC and reduced amygdala size. Still cannot see something?
- Neuroscientist finds out that he's a psychopath (small amygdala, reduced regulation by the amygdala of the prefrontal cortex) :
-Meditation increases PFC thickness and gray matter:
-Brain regions associated with attention, interoception and sensory processing were thicker in meditation participants than matched controls, including the prefrontal cortex and right anterior insula. Between-group differences in prefrontal cortical thickness were most pronounced in older participants, suggesting that meditation might offset age-related cortical thinning. Finally, the thickness of two regions correlated with meditation experience. These data provide the first structural evidence for experience-dependent cortical plasticity associated with meditation practice.

-Meditation and amygdala reduction :

-amygdala and ventromedial PFC: A Psychology Today article with no goddamn references for some reason. Notwithstanding, I think I have already articulated enough of my sources above so this would be a mere shortcoming that should not be taken seriously. Besides, it was still a mental health professional who wrote this:

An important excerpt from said article:

The Brain on Meditation – I Can See Clearly Now
In contrast, if you meditate on a regular basis, several positive things happen. First, the strong, tightly held connection between the Me Center (specifically the unhelpful vmPFC) and the bodily sensation/fear centers begins to break down. As this connection withers, you will no longer assume that a bodily sensation or momentary feeling of fear means something is wrong with you or that you are the problem! This explains, in part, why anxiety decreases the more you meditate – it’s because the neural paths that link those upsetting sensations to the Me Center are decreasing. Said another way, your ability to ignore sensations of anxiety is enhanced as you begin to break that connection between the unhelpful parts of the Me Center and the bodily sensation/fear centers. As a result, you are more readily able to see those sensations for what they are and not respond as strongly to them (thanks to your strengthened Assessment Center).

In other words, this means that one is less likely to associate “gut feelings” and inappropriate fear-based responses with catastrophic ideas of self; ultimately, it can explain the ostensible decrease in anxiety in those who meditate.

Now, let's go back to #2, or better yet, this:

See it for yourself:
"It is concluded that these critical functions of the amygdala and vmPFC, and their interaction, are compromised in individuals with the disorder. It is argued that these impairments lead to the development of psychopathy."

Moving on...
11. See YBOP. Not worth explaining anymore, i.e ad nauseam
12. ?????

...lastly, I have experienced the effects of extended periods of meditation myself and I say its effects are 10x as profound compared to simple sexual repression of both mind and body. Now, combine this with the hardest version of NoFap/NoPMO/AbsoluteCelibacy. The rest is history.

It's a waste that people have to go through this just to cope up with this world which no one asked for.

Reader-friendly articles:

One of the fastest way to learn mindfulness and concentration meditation:

Self-control makes homo sapiens "human", not some outdated primitive response:

Willpower and meditation:

Wiki meditation :

Another one:

Prolactin bad effects:

Strong amygdala and weak PFC : Anxiety/depression, procrastination, incel, stuttering, rapid eye blinking, tremors, public speaking fears, (although these people might prove to be the most creative overall, I'll try to explain why next time. see, 90%+ of people are here because of their curiosity and not because someone else referred this site to them)

Weak amygdala and weak PFC: low-functioning psychopathy (criminals, degenerates, those mass shooters, a ticking time bomb)

Equal amygdala and PFC activity (or amygdala activity moderately regulated): average people (a decent goal to have especially if you just hit rock bottom)

Strong PFC and non-existent amygdala: high-functioning psychopathy (if life is a video game this person would be the overpowered hacker that just needs to be jumped on in order to get it killed)
Jesus fucking Christ, you earn my respect dude. When I said sources, I didn't mean a whole fucking lab report lmao.

Either way, I'm.forced to agree with you, as this evidence is valid. And feeling less morals is probably a good thing in today's world.

Props to you!
And feeling less morals is probably a good thing in today's world.
..........this is quite unfortunate. Nevertheless, majority of us still needs to believe that objective morality do actually exist otherwise the very foundation of our society would falter and crumble into dust. Enlightened or ignorant, all of us play our respective roles in society which are all equally important. The weak needs to thrive in order for the strong to have something to consume, otherwise the latter would risk being consumed as well. I accept this as an integral part of life but that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to like it. It's either you choose or you die (the weak even gets more hate than the wicked so that should ease up one's decision-making).....but being able to do this, just like how death transcends both the strong and the weak, might just be the exact opposite of death, staying true to the supreme objective of every existence, living or non-living, regardless of our sentiments about it: to be more than we currently are. The desire for power. To simply be the best there is. To force one's essence to everything else through the sheer power of WILL.
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I want to voice out my sentiments but I think uploading this would be enough Anyways see you guys after a month. Goodluck everyone :)
For one last time....

plus these

= psychopaths are just snakes in human suits (if that even make sense lol)

Eat all of that, New Age and Metta (loving-kindness) meditation practitioners. Concentration is king when it come to these things, not love nor empathy.

I hope some authority figure in science or medicine (or any other competent people) would come visit this thread and correct any possible errors in my observation since I myself don't possess any authority when it comes to these matters (I'm just a student and a part-time paralegal)

I think I still have plenty of readings to do when it comes to matters I want to be competent with. Till next time! (I'm trying to pull of a NoSurf streak this time around and this is actually quite a challenge to do.)

I'll try to share some useful hacks, this time about strength training once I'm already back here (e.g hit multiple bodyweight multipliers in squats/DL, effective programming and periodization, flexibility, nutrition, how to achieve your first muscle-up or one-armed pull-up, et cetera)

Till next time! Writing in these forums (mobile) is such a neat experience anyways (or perhaps I haven't just visited enough message boards)

Anyways O.P made a valid advice. Doing > contemplating (or at least, know how to utilize both in the most efficient way possible)

Me with superpowers:
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Me after binging to some pixels and procrastinating:
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