Being Friends with Girls


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What are your thoughts on being friends with girls? Can males and females be good friends? I've heard people say a great way to stop viewing women as sex objects is to become friends with them. I use to have a few female friends but have lost touch with them. What would you say is the best way to go about becoming friends? Should you be friends with someone you find attractive? Is there a risk you'll try to have a relationship with a female friend who you consider attractive?
My girlfriend was my best friend before we got together. Surely the ideal is to have a best friend that's also a lover. I don't get people that don't want their husband/wife to be their best friend. What's the fun in living with someone that you don't get along with better than anyone else. Each to their own. But my girlfriend was my best friend before we got together and still is.
I have guy friends whom I talk to. I'm not open with them at the same level as I am with my girlfriends or my boyfriend, but I still talk to them about a slew of other topics. I don't hang out with them alone, just like I wouldn't want my boyfriend to hang out with girls alone (I hope that's not just me being controlling...), but it's still possible to be friends with the opposite sex.

However, if you're single... I don't see any issue at all. Just don't try to wreck relationships.
Don't know if it counts, but I am pretty much a gurlfrand to some of my sisters/cousins.
And I tend to treat their friends the same, and the few friends I have of my own, the same as well. And as the dude above said, some are pretty much sisters/brothers(cuz why lock them into a age old concept, eh?)

Finding someone attractive and wanting to be with them are two entirely different things, or at least I have found it to be so thus far. I don't see anything different between either gender when it comes down to it, we are all pretty much the same in the end, with our own insecurities wishes and so on and so forth.
Just because you think someone is cute or even have a crush on them, doesn't mean a friendship is impossible, the crush may fade within months of knowing them, or they may just turn out to be assholes in general.

Think of it like this - there a LOT of cute people out there in both genders, so forget friendship for a second, they are gonna be there in your professional life, your family life, and other spaces too, so if you see them as a whole person who picks their nose like anyone else, it will be much more helpful.
What if you have a handsome/beautiful boss? You don't wanna stutter your way around them, even if they are understanding and utter badasses, it will impair communication and slow down the work, or they might fire you after a certain point.

No doubt, social anxiety and inexperience with people may make it initially harder to talk to them, the key is to stop locking them into the role of the gender you would like to get with someday, there a range of relations possible here.
Try to look past any appearances, creativity and imagination will help here, just imagine joking around with her about random things or discussing a common interest or just enjoying silent company or a hug or two, or a brofist when a favorite sports team scores. Or heck, even imagine an argument or something, hit each other with pillows or something and have another person separate you both and act as intermediary for the fight. Both genders can royally kick each other's behinds when it comes down to it.
Can also sometimes help with intrusive fantasies.

Also, start with older people perhaps.

I am much more or even completely open with the women in my life than I am with men, again, they are pretty much the same to me, but I suppose that comes down to having developed at least a slight distrust with most of em, I strive to keep my influences positive and there a lot of sexist asshats out there.

Hope that helps.
I don't know it's weird I knew some many girls in college and see friends with a lot of them I had crushes on some but others it was just fun around to be with and chat and party lol but I did hook up with some of them but I would always go to my good friend and roommate and always ask how do you get girls and he said to me it shouldn't be hard for you most of them like you already you just need to let them know you attraction for them but I was still pmoing during college not as much but I realize what he was talking about to just put myself out there after college not keeping in contact with most of those girls I had know made my pmoing more instense but I completely cutting it out of my life on 7 months now I know I'm not the same person I was in college but I'm trying to cultivate that same charm I had back then and feel I it coming back
If i find them not atractive(not aroused or atracted to them) then then yes.

If i have even a little of atraction i probably will never become friends with them.
You can. In my case I am friends with a lot of girls, I wouldn't want to date them because I don't feel that way towards them.
If i find them not atractive(not aroused or atracted to them) then then yes.

If i have even a little of atraction i probably will never become friends with them.
Well if you're around more beautiful women friends or not or just women in general you will be more comfortable when you find the one you click with and that wants to be more than just friends
Well if you're around more beautiful women friends or not or just women in general you will be more comfortable when you find the one you click with and that wants to be more than just friends

woman i found hot or i have a click with i probably take the risk of rejection and ask them out or kiss them usally ends up in sex or rejection so girls i am interest in are probaly not my friends
woman i found hot or i have a click with i probably take the risk of rejection and ask them out or kiss them usally ends up in sex or rejection so girls i am interest in are probaly not my friends
That is also true but rejection is fear that your brain is projecting that is from your past experiences you gotta just live in the now and learn from the experience I'm struggling with that too plus I think exactly the way you do all the girls I find super attractive I would never consider friends but to isolate yourself is a lot worst just get out there and love your life women are just like us human media and society has blurred the lines between us