Being fucked over by "friends"?- Help requested

and if I have to be honest my friends acted like spoilt children who were mad that they didnt win an arbitary award that in the end barely affected anything other than their own pride.

If you have friends like this let me tell you what you do with them. You pretend to be their friend, you pretend to be their saviour and goodwilling companion, and when shit goes down, you just leave them.

Oh? Is what I'm suggesting unhonourable? Well, It's okay, since you're only screwing with people that are also unhonourable. No honour amongst thieves, eh? Let them burn in hell, and see! they might actually start respect you more.
ive had this happed to me before. many times actually... the only thing I can really say is this. people come people go. not everyone's path is the same as yours. it seems like you are doing, and going somewhere else and they are upset that they aren't. it sucks but oh well, you cant do much about it. if they want to act like kids fine let them. you got more important things to focus on. worry about yourself to hell with everyone else that trys to slow you down aint no body got time for that.

My intention from now on is to stay friendly with them but to stop being the open book I used to be, I'll be focussing my attention on myself and people who actually appreciate the effort I put in instead.
If you have friends like this let me tell you what you do with them. You pretend to be their friend, you pretend to be their saviour and goodwilling companion, and when shit goes down, you just leave them.

Oh? Is what I'm suggesting unhonourable? Well, It's okay, since you're only screwing with people that are also unhonourable. No honour amongst thieves, eh? Let them burn in hell, and see! they might actually start respect you more.
I'm still going to remain friendly with them because I dont want to isolate myself from the people I know from uni who arent a part of this but are in the same friendship group, but from now on I'm not going to be wasting any time trying to go above and beyond.