dante khan
I overcame porn addiction afters years of struggling and I hope I can help you out with these tips:
1. Be Grateful: Being depressed leads to depression which is the doorway to porn and fapping. Being grateful releases dopamine which helps fight the addiction.
2. Exercise: This is one of the greatest tips you'll ever get. Lift heavy weights atleast for an hour a day. It releases dopamine and fights addiction. Most important of all it helps increase willpower which is what is needed to fight porn addiction.
3. Meditate and walk: When you can see the urge coming. Close your eyes, stop the thoughts from coming in and breath. Tell yourself that you will fight your addiction and free yourself of this problem. Tell yourself if you fap today you'll do it tomorrow. Motivate yourself and go for a walk. Be grateful while you take that walk.
I overcame porn addiction afters years of struggling and I hope I can help you out with these tips:
1. Be Grateful: Being depressed leads to depression which is the doorway to porn and fapping. Being grateful releases dopamine which helps fight the addiction.
2. Exercise: This is one of the greatest tips you'll ever get. Lift heavy weights atleast for an hour a day. It releases dopamine and fights addiction. Most important of all it helps increase willpower which is what is needed to fight porn addiction.
3. Meditate and walk: When you can see the urge coming. Close your eyes, stop the thoughts from coming in and breath. Tell yourself that you will fight your addiction and free yourself of this problem. Tell yourself if you fap today you'll do it tomorrow. Motivate yourself and go for a walk. Be grateful while you take that walk.