Being sick sucks!



I'm more than 125 day's on track. From yesterday I'm feeling like a sh*t and got some flu. I'm feels like laying in a bed all the day and doing nothing. I'm fighting with one of the strongest urges from the beginning of my journey. I know that giving up right now would be one of the biggest mistakes in my life, especially that it is my longest streak ever...
Being sick sucks! I can't even jump in to take cold shower as I usually do..
Why it is like that? Maybe my body thinks that if I would die right now, it wants to reproduce for the last time :emoji_head_bandage:
Hello - how are you feeling now?

I hope you're recovering and you could resist efficiently any urge.
I woke up feeling much better, can't wait to take my cold shower again:) thanks!
Today's craving are much less intense then it was yesterday. It's incredible how different those days are:) how our mindset is changing when we experience cravings. It's like our mind is telling us: "c'mon I know that you are feeling bad, but I have something that will make you feel better" fck*ng brain :D
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