So recently I've been struggling with binge eating, which was a bit of a problem during Lock down, but became more of a problem when I got back to work. Though with eating breakfast that is a smoothie filled with 5 to 6 vegetables, pumpkin seeds, protein powder & water with near to 1000 calories. I've noticed it has become more of an issue with either the side with my breakfast being a 100% nut made nut butter and jam sandwhich or eating way too many trek/protein bars and after eating either leftovers what my girlfriend makes me or finding either vegan wraps, Huel Shakes, vegan pizza or even a big salted nuts I just seeming to be over eating on snacks as of either vegan junk food, biscuits, "health bars" or protein bars. I feel I am stress eating, not helped that I feel I am not getting enough sleep with the late shifts of afternoon till midnight or 1 or 2 am shifts at work, but still waking up at 9-10 am in the morning. So does anyone have any advice to help me out? As I am definitely noticing my love handles and stomach looking bigger and wanting to change that too get myself into more of a leaner phyisque.