Boredom is the reason for failures

Kuroi Yume

I have really came to a conclusion that, most of us suffer from boredom at certain times of a day and that boredom leads us to PMO. I was not prepared for a PMO today but I had nothing to do, after work everything feels boring, should have went on a walk cause the weather was nice. Most of the time I fail because I am bored and I am lazy to read a book or play a game, I just want to lay down or want to go to a nice place. I am gaining weight rapidly because of sitting all day and I am excited to start working out in my home but that excitement gets extinguished by the wet rain of lazyness most of the time. My mind is weak now, have to make it stronger, my will has no resolve that is why I am failing again and again, I guess like there are people here who are suffering just like me, boredom, lack of resolve and lazyness, I wish you all overcome these obstacles and be successful in your journey of PMO free life.
I have really came to a conclusion that, most of us suffer from boredom at certain times of a day and that boredom leads us to PMO. I was not prepared for a PMO today but I had nothing to do, after work everything feels boring, should have went on a walk cause the weather was nice. Most of the time I fail because I am bored and I am lazy to read a book or play a game, I just want to lay down or want to go to a nice place. I am gaining weight rapidly because of sitting all day and I am excited to start working out in my home but that excitement gets extinguished by the wet rain of lazyness most of the time. My mind is weak now, have to make it stronger, my will has no resolve that is why I am failing again and again, I guess like there are people here who are suffering just like me, boredom, lack of resolve and lazyness, I wish you all overcome these obstacles and be successful in your journey of PMO free life.

Boredom is the first step on the road to relapse, no question about it! Ots such a huge problem for us addicts! Someone else posted recent about boredom being a huge problem too. The problem is that for an addict, literally nothing is ever anywhere close to as exciting as our drug of choice, whatever it.may be. So finding a hobby is usually pretty hard because we want something ad exciting or better than our drug, amd nothing ever seems to fit! So the answer for people in that situation is to simply make a list of all possible hobbies that might work and give each and every single one of them an honest try and hopefully one or more of them will work!
Boredom is the first step on the road to relapse, no question about it! Ots such a huge problem for us addicts! Someone else posted recent about boredom being a huge problem too. The problem is that for an addict, literally nothing is ever anywhere close to as exciting as our drug of choice, whatever it.may be. So finding a hobby is usually pretty hard because we want something ad exciting or better than our drug, amd nothing ever seems to fit! So the answer for people in that situation is to simply make a list of all possible hobbies that might work and give each and every single one of them an honest try and hopefully one or more of them will work!
You are right, I think gaming might be a good solution!
In my experience, boredom is not the cause but a major trigger. Have you tried dopamine fasting? The theory behind it states, in simple terms, that if you endure the boredom long enough, you'll become more sensitive to dopamine and, therefore, less prone to boredom. I haven't tried it, but I intend to soon.
In my experience, boredom is not the cause but a major trigger. Have you tried dopamine fasting? The theory behind it states, in simple terms, that if you endure the boredom long enough, you'll become more sensitive to dopamine and, therefore, less prone to boredom. I haven't tried it, but I intend to soon.
I feel like that's an extremely dangerous path. To tell an addict to endure boredom is probably some of, if not THE worst advice to give.

Just be careful is all I'm sayin'.
Most of the time I fail because I am bored and I am lazy to read a book or play a game, I just want to lay down or want to go to a nice place.

Boredom - or rather avoiding the bad feelings of being bored - leads to dopamine from PMO.
Lack of motivation- is a sign of depression- which also pushes you to get a dopamine fix.
Take both as part of recovery.
Force yourself to NOT think - and simply start something ( walk run exercise or read)
If you stop to think - the lack of motivation will stop you.
Sex/nudity/over sexualization of men,women are everywhere these days people know (creators) that this is harmful for society but still make it.

Well sure, it makes them money! Most things are somehow harmful to someone though. Also, to be fair, it isn't harmful to many people out there. And the people that is is harmful to need to take responsibility and avoid that kind of material. Sure we're all caught off guard with it from time to time, but the more work we do to fight this battle, the easier it will be during those times.
Well sure, it makes them money! Most things are somehow harmful to someone though. Also, to be fair, it isn't harmful to many people out there. And the people that is is harmful to need to take responsibility and avoid that kind of material. Sure we're all caught off guard with it from time to time, but the more work we do to fight this battle, the easier it will be during those times.
Actually it is all about taming the mind right? Sadly I am sucking at it right now lol. I am lazy to workout, read books and avoid PMO. But no more have I/We have to change !!
Boredom - or rather avoiding the bad feelings of being bored - leads to dopamine from PMO.
Lack of motivation- is a sign of depression- which also pushes you to get a dopamine fix.
Take both as part of recovery.
Force yourself to NOT think - and simply start something ( walk run exercise or read)
If you stop to think - the lack of motivation will stop you.
You are so³ right! During covid I started working out in my home after getting hyped up by watching Chris Heria's videos and it was so hard for me at the beginning cause never worked out in my life before, then after a month if I did not work out at any particular day I used to feel down, sad and miserable. I worked out for 9 months straight had some lean muscles but then due to wrong medication for low vit D3 i started having palpitations and quit working out, out of fear that working out stressing me up, but it was the med! Sadly very very sadly till date I am still not working out. When I used to work out I reached a streak of pmo free 290 days. Those were the best days of my guilt free life.
In my experience, boredom is not the cause but a major trigger. Have you tried dopamine fasting? The theory behind it states, in simple terms, that if you endure the boredom long enough, you'll become more sensitive to dopamine and, therefore, less prone to boredom. I haven't tried it, but I intend to soon.
I tried to cut my mobile usage I failed lol o_O
I concur, boredom (and anxiety) are my biggest reason for failing short term (first weeks). I have fixed boredom with several "hobbys". Anxiety usually hits me in the night, nothing really helps except PMO. Cant sleeep when i am feeling that bad. I tried Alcohol and it "works" but the problem is i get crazy horny when i drink so that usually leads to PMO again lol. Long term on a month+ its usually the feeling of not being able to express my sexuality that makes me fail (autism issues so a GF has never been an option, i am too awkward and cant really express myself verbaly).
I have really came to a conclusion that, most of us suffer from boredom at certain times of a day and that boredom leads us to PMO. I was not prepared for a PMO today but I had nothing to do, after work everything feels boring, should have went on a walk cause the weather was nice. Most of the time I fail because I am bored and I am lazy to read a book or play a game, I just want to lay down or want to go to a nice place. I am gaining weight rapidly because of sitting all day and I am excited to start working out in my home but that excitement gets extinguished by the wet rain of lazyness most of the time. My mind is weak now, have to make it stronger, my will has no resolve that is why I am failing again and again, I guess like there are people here who are suffering just like me, boredom, lack of resolve and lazyness, I wish you all overcome these obstacles and be successful in your journey of PMO free life.

Ah, the classic tale of boredom leading to PMO – it's like a bad sitcom rerun that you can't seem to escape from. First off, let's acknowledge that you're not alone in this battle. It's a common trap: boredom sets in, and suddenly, PMO seems like a convenient escape hatch. But remember, it's a trap as appealing as a siren's song, luring you to the rocks of regret and guilt.

Now, about this boredom dilemma. It's like having a fridge full of food but complaining there's nothing to eat. You've got options, but they just don't seem appetizing, right? Walking? Too bland. Reading? Too much effort. Gaming? Nah, doesn't hit the spot. And there lies the crux of the problem – the easy dopamine hit from PMO beats the effort of doing something genuinely fulfilling.

You mention gaining weight and the dream of working out, but then the 'wet rain of laziness' pours down. Classic! You're all hyped up to become the next fitness model, but then the couch turns into quicksand, sucking you into a vortex of inactivity. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it?

But here's the deal: You've got to strengthen your mind like it's a muscle. Right now, it's like a wobbly Jell-O, but you need it to be as solid as a rock. Your willpower is currently on life support, and it's time to revive it. Every time you say 'no' to PMO, you're doing a mental push-up. It's tough, but hey, nobody said turning into a superhero was easy.

You're on a journey, my friend – a journey to reclaim your life from the jaws of PMO. Imagine yourself as the hero in your own movie, fighting against the villain of boredom and laziness. It's time to rewrite the script. Start small – maybe a short walk, a few pages of a book, or just a few minutes of exercise. These are your weapons against the PMO monster.

And remember, every hero has their weak moments, but it's not about how many times you fall; it's about how many times you get back up. You're in the ring now, gloves up, ready to fight back. And guess what? You've got a whole army of folks rooting for you, all fighting their own battles. Together, you're stronger.
Boredom is not the reason for a relapse, but often it can be a part of the steps towards it.

I've been in a situation I spent ages alone at home, with not much to do, and was just peaceful by myself.
Without relapses.

I would like to see boredom as a symptom of something deeper.
We are bored because we lack of the experience of a healthy connection.
A child what is bored, needs some attention from mom or dad, a hug and a positive word, and what happens? It starts playing again knowing it's safe and loved.

If I feel bored, I ask myself the question: What do I really need now, emotionally seen?