Bottling emotions

I am usually very opposed to bottling emotions and I usually like to express myself ASAP but I am finding that bottling my sexual desires is very helpful.

I just have to make sure that I express myself in other ways when the situation calls for it, but generally if I'm tempted to PMO I just bottle my emotions and deal with them later.
I don't know whether bottling them would be the right way to go about it, then like you say you're just dealing with them alter and it'll just make the feeling worse at another point. Unless it's working for you I'd say maybe just learn to accept them, we all have sexual thoughts and they are natural, but just breath, take a moment to realise what's happening and then move on. I hope this helps!
You're right, I bottled them up too much and ended up relapsing lol.

You need to thread the fine line, bottling it might not have been the reason for relapsing on its own, you need to understand why you relapse, your emotions are key to this as you need to understand how you feel before it happens. If you understand those feelings, things like sadness, anger, tiredness, boredom then you'll be able to read the situation and understand that you're probably gonna be relapsing that day and you need to keep yourself busy or put your mind to work.
I think trying to suppress or bottle up your urges is not effective in the long term. Coming to accept these feelings and focusing on the physical experience you are having in the present is key in long term success.