What’s up fellas. I have been trying nofap on and off the past 5 years. Longest streak was 130ish days, and I’m currently on a 62 day streak. My advice is to take cold showers the first 30 days. The first 30 days and especially the first week of trying no pmo are absolute hell. But, you gotta make it through, there’s no magic bullet that will get you around this. You just gotta do it.
Also, you need to become obsessed with trying to improve yourself.
If you’re scared to talk to girls, you need to start working on that. Nofap alone isn’t enough to make you not want to watch porn. You will eventually crave seeing the flesh of another female so much that you will relapse again. This is why you need to start talking to girls. Nofap imo is only half of beating your pmo addiction, the other half is having real life sex to replace pmo.
By doing nofap you are already confronting a problem that you have. The mind blowing thing is that pmo addiction is just a way to cover up a bunch of other problems that you have. So whenever you confront you’re pmo addiction, you are going to be exposed to the painful feelings that you were covering up. This imo is what causes a relapse. So, if you don’t want to relapse anymore, you need to confront these other smaller demons that you have.
Hope that makes sense.
If you don’t think you can confront these smaller demons alone, remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Keep your chin up, and keep grinding