Bucket List

What's the point in having a bucket list when you're going to die anyway? And do the dead care about bucket lists? Does God really care about bucket lists?
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I see. I think that's sometimes common place when you live somewhere. You don't always care as much for what you have on your doorstep. 90% of my holidays I take abroad now but actually there's so much in the UK which is only a drive away which I never think to go to. Although I'd like to change that this year.

You may be right, but i'd still like to go and see Niagra with my own eyes, and decide for myself what it smells like!

I've been to London once with my brother, though it was only for a day. I'd really like to visit the country side and all the castles you guys have. I also want to see if you get as cold of winters as we do here.
I've been to London once with my brother, though it was only for a day. I'd really like to visit the country side and all the castles you guys have. I also want to see if you get as cold of winters as we do here.

The countryside and the coast are by far my favourite parts of the country! And it gets cold up in the Scotland and the most Northern points of the island but I wouldn't think you'd think that if you visited! I don't think we ever get temperatures as extreme as yours. But I have absolutely no facts to back that up with!
Oh I also super want to go to Scotland. For sure. That's super high on my list of places I want to see. I want to see a lot of places, but I probably never will, because it's so damn expensive to travel. And my husband hates traveling, so it's hard for him to ever want to spend so much money on something hes not excited about at all.
Do a Mediterranean Cruise on Princess Cruise Line. I’d like to visit all the places my dad did when he did the Med. Cruise on the USS Independence back in 1968.

I have other things on my bucket list but that’s number one.
My family’s from Scotland so it’d be cool to go there also. I haven’t touched the UK (other than the airport) before surprisingly.