Buildup of sexual frustration

Hey guys

Lately I've been having trouble dealing with horniness I can't seem to dispose of. I've tried cold showers, meditation and exercise, and while these help get rid of my temporary urges, they do not help me get rid of my long term horniness.

I've been reflecting on the relapses I've had and found that they all follow a similar cycle. Firstly, I reset my day counter and get motivation not to masturbate. I then follow NoFap's advice on cold showers and meditation whenever I feel the need to fap. It works for some time but eventually, it gets to the point that I don't have the discipline to handle my sexual frustration.

This is because of the increasing willpower required to convince myself to take a cold shower, and the decreasing effectiveness of the methods on quelling the urges. Eventually, I relapse. And the cycle repeats.

Exercise gets rid of my sexual energy but not my sexual desire. Meditation calms my mind but not my brain or penis. Cold showers stop my urges, but not for long. If any veteran fapstronauts who have had these problems and overcame them, please advise me on what to to. I don't want to be trapped in this cycle for much longer. Thanks
When do you fap? Is it at a particular time of day?

For me, I used to fap, usually, late at night. I had a cycle too. It would get to the time when I wanted to go to bed but I felt so stressed out about the day and I did not have something that would relax me sufficiently. That stress would then turn into a desperation to escape from the stress and so I would turn to PMO.

If you do fap usually at the same time of day, whether that be the morning, night time or in the afternoon, think about what you do around that time and how that could influence your PMO urges.

If you do not feel like fapping in the morning, maybe it is because you feel relaxed and do not worry so much. So maybe if you fap later on in the day you could have a look at ways to calm yourself down and preoccupy yourself with something else during that time period.

Hope this helps and I wish younall the best on your journey!