Hi all, I'm new here and I'm up to day 13 NoFap. I'm wondering if excessive pmo can make you really sick? I've just turned 20, I'm male and I think I started masterbating when I was 14 or 15? 15 onwards I've pretty much been masterbating everyday, sometimes skip a day here or there, sometimes twice or 3 times a day. Just before my 17th birthday I started getting a lot of anxiety, chest pain, palpitations you name it but all tests came back clear. As the years have gone by, I've been suffering from headaches, acid reflex, palpitations, tiredness, arm and leg weakness, dizziness, light headed when standing. You name it, I've pretty much had and of course I've got ED and PE. I do notice symptoms are worse right after a pmo.
Can pmo cause all those symptoms? I've had pretty much every test under the sun and everything except my liver enzyme test comes back normal. Docs are never concerned about it though as apparently it's common to be slightly raised in young people. I've read somewhere that sexual exhaustion is like Adrenal Fatigue? Can excessive pmo and sexual exhaustion be linked? What I'd kill to have my old life back...I used to be a long distance runner but I can't jog at all without getting symptoms! I want to be able to work and study properly but I never have the energy and my brain fog is a nightmare. I don't really care about being more confident to women on this journey or all that stuff, I just want to get well so I can get my life on track! Do you think me going NoFap will help me get better? Thanks for reading guys, please reply if you have any answers for me!!
Can pmo cause all those symptoms? I've had pretty much every test under the sun and everything except my liver enzyme test comes back normal. Docs are never concerned about it though as apparently it's common to be slightly raised in young people. I've read somewhere that sexual exhaustion is like Adrenal Fatigue? Can excessive pmo and sexual exhaustion be linked? What I'd kill to have my old life back...I used to be a long distance runner but I can't jog at all without getting symptoms! I want to be able to work and study properly but I never have the energy and my brain fog is a nightmare. I don't really care about being more confident to women on this journey or all that stuff, I just want to get well so I can get my life on track! Do you think me going NoFap will help me get better? Thanks for reading guys, please reply if you have any answers for me!!