Can someone please explain how does the brain recover from PMO after abstinance?


Hi guys, I am just curious to know how does the brain reacts during abstinence? How does it rewire? How does it improve Dopamine receptors? Knowing this will motivate me even more, as will know what happens inside the brain.
Hey buddy,

The website :
explains these things in great detail.

A compilation i made myself you find here:

Now, i think it's important to understand what pmo does to your brain, in short there are 4 important changes in your brain to pay attention to:

1./ Sensitisation: your brain is rewired to get overtriggered by any "sexy looking" picture, text, movie, female,... so it's important to avoid as many "triggers" possible.
The reward center is "hijacked" and has rewired to be extreme alert for this triggers. It is oversensitive so to speak.
The only way to "reset" this, and get less sensitive for every potential trigger is a reboot, mostly minimum 90 days of no pmo, sometimes longer.
This is why not to relapse is so important to get over the addiction. As long as there is :p,m or o, the dopamine keeps flowing and it gets worse every time you do it.

2./ Desensitisation: everything except sex is becoming boring, numb, "it doesn't matter". That's why you postpone things (“i'll do it later”), you look at tv because you're bored, you don't find anything important except sex (or pmo, your brain doesn't know the difference between sex with a person or pmo).
So, same remedy here: no-pmo for minimum 90 days.
I'm at day 69 my friend, and i guarantee i feel the difference very much, even as early as on day 30 ! You are more happy, have more energy, the world is more colourful and not grey anymore, it really works !

3./ Hypofrontality: Difficult word to say -this is important- you have less willpower ! The connections of your "thinking brain" (neocortex) are weakened and your emotional brain (where the reward center and your instincts, feelings,… are) easily override it if you have urges.

That's why you sometimes feel you can't do nothing to avoid relapsing.

You feel it sometimes hours before it's gonna happen somehow, without being able to avoid it.

Know that feeling ? I had it with my (first and only untill now) relapse after 14 days, i couldn't stop it, even if i knew it was not the thing to do. This is really the addiction @ work !
So, again, a reboot of minimum 90 days will strenghten your willpower !
If you’re young (13-18), that gives the additional problem that your "thinking brain" (the frontal lobes, just behind your forehead) are not fully grown yet; they will only be around 25 years !
So, it's extra difficult to resist urges if you are young and pmo.

4./ Very sensitive to even a bit of stress: This will want you to do pmo if you have even a bit of stress, and when you are young, you have all kind of stressing factors , because of your puberty (hormones, school, girls,...). So, that also can easily provide a trigger to pmo and cause a relapse.
Also this is solved by doing a reboot.

A reboot is kinda like "restoring to factory settings" of a computer.
The difference is, the formed connections in your brain will be less sensitive and lessen, but they will NEVER completely disappear, meaning : if you reboot successfully and you start watching p for hours again, they will very quickly revive and you're back at square one ! So, remember this for after your reboot ! Stay away from p !

I know it’s a long explanation, but this knowledge is essential to know why you are going thru all this things to get rid of the addiction.
On the website i mentioned ( ) are some very good movies, also about the teenage brain, please browse this site and read some of the things there, it can really make you understand this thing, and it will help you overcome it !

The better you know what is happening , the better you can do it !

The link in my signature also provides some information about rebooting in general.

Feel free to ask anything, we're here to help each other ! :-):-):-)

Have a good day ! :-)
Thanks bro, for the good explanation! but you said we should stay away from Porn after reboot, then what about M and O? As I've read a thousand times that Masturbation is good and beneficial. But since we have come from a reboot, how can we masturbate (like a normal person)?
You need to learn to do m. without p. People did this for so long when p did not exist, but for us it will be a challenge to stay away from p, i agree...