Can't stop ogling. Urge is growing


I lied to my girlfriend again.

A bit of context first. My relationship is relatively new. 4 months. She lives in Madrid. I am in the UK. Long distance. She is Christian, and I am new to exploring the faith. I am trying to do this for myself and separate my spiritual journey from doing it because of her, but that is a different story. She is a virgin. I am not.

I started this NoFap journey because I wanted to reset myself for her, and to be a better person. I want to be a better person for myself.

It is a struggle though. I have sexual relations with my gf when we are together, without sex and it's amazing. I really feel like I want to wait for her. Like I want to reboot and devote myself to her.

I'm on day 17 I think. I last saw her about day 13. It's been tough being on my own since then, and despite not fapping I've been feeling sexually frustrated.

I went on holiday to Dublin at the weekend without her, and there were plenty of girls about. Of course I didn't interact with any, BUT I couldn't stop oggling. I'm not sure whether I found each more attractive than usual, due to my reset, or because I am frustrated. But I had sexual thoughts about almost every girl I saw.

I really want to reboot for my gf. To devote myself to her, and not be tempted by anyone else. But because of her religion, which I respect, and actually regard as probably the right way to go about things, sex won't be happening any time soon. I think this is why I couldn't stop looking at the other girls!

In conversation my gf asked me if I looked at any another girls. I told her no. I lied.

I thought my NoFap journey was going well, but I'm not sure now. Am I just winding myself up, ready to blow? I feel a huge urge, and I am wondering should I release when skyping with my girl, to relieve some of the tension.

Wow this is hard.
I lied to my girlfriend again.

A bit of context first. My relationship is relatively new. 4 months. She lives in Madrid. I am in the UK. Long distance. She is Christian, and I am new to exploring the faith. I am trying to do this for myself and separate my spiritual journey from doing it because of her, but that is a different story. She is a virgin. I am not.

I started this NoFap journey because I wanted to reset myself for her, and to be a better person. I want to be a better person for myself.

It is a struggle though. I have sexual relations with my gf when we are together, without sex and it's amazing. I really feel like I want to wait for her. Like I want to reboot and devote myself to her.

I'm on day 17 I think. I last saw her about day 13. It's been tough being on my own since then, and despite not fapping I've been feeling sexually frustrated.

I went on holiday to Dublin at the weekend without her, and there were plenty of girls about. Of course I didn't interact with any, BUT I couldn't stop oggling. I'm not sure whether I found each more attractive than usual, due to my reset, or because I am frustrated. But I had sexual thoughts about almost every girl I saw.

I really want to reboot for my gf. To devote myself to her, and not be tempted by anyone else. But because of her religion, which I respect, and actually regard as probably the right way to go about things, sex won't be happening any time soon. I think this is why I couldn't stop looking at the other girls!

In conversation my gf asked me if I looked at any another girls. I told her no. I lied.

I thought my NoFap journey was going well, but I'm not sure now. Am I just winding myself up, ready to blow? I feel a huge urge, and I am wondering should I release when skyping with my girl, to relieve some of the tension.

Wow this is hard.
Good job for choosing to lie when she asked if you looked at any girls. It shows that you at least care about her feelings, but let's not make lying a habit.

Did you just say that you wanted to release during a skype call? And you're on day 19?

Say something like that again and I'm hopping off that plane. I will collect my plane ticket, and we will have to fight. That's only if you choose to relapse. So choose wisely.

(I'm joking if anyone thought I was serious)
A LDR is tough, I should know because I was in one.

The thing about LDR is that it can cause a woman to become very insecure and it sounds about right that your girl would be worried about you looking at other girls because you could without her knowing. She needs to feel confident that you're trustworthy.

The thing about lying is that it can break trust and when trust is broken it's hard to get it back.
I listen to a podcast called Where Should We Begin? and one episode has a man who's a sex addict who's been cheating on his wife. He gets caught and tells his wife he won't do it again but he goes back to cheating because he's addicted to sex. The wife admits the thing that hurt more wasn't the cheating but that he lied to her face. That one lie caused her to question what kind of man she was with.

Of course your lie isn't as bad as the man in the podcast but if your gf figures out you lied it might bring about trouble and might even end the relationship. If she sees you checking out girls when she physically with you she might wonder what else have you been lying about. So it's best you beat this thing asap, do your level best best to reboot because I think once you have you'll stop urging other girls.

Another thing, while it's good you said you started NoFap for yourself I find it concerning that you also say you want to be clean for your gf as well. In my previous relationship I started rebooting for my ex but since I was rebooting for her, when I got mad at her I would relapse to get back at her. It was silly of me to do that but what happened. I think the question you need to ask yourself is when your gf does things that make you mad will you relapse or will you keep on. While we reboot for other people we need to be doing it for ourselves first. Like Eminem says: It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me. Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you. Reboot for yourself but do it subliminally for your woman.

On a more positive note, despite what some say LDR's can work. Here's a true story of one LDR that ended well. It also contains some practical advice in how to maintain a LDR that might help (not PMO related).
Another good thing is you both live in the same continent, for me and my ex we were in two different continents and it added to the difficultly of the relationship. But really it failed not because it LD but other issues including my addiction to PMO. I hope I didn't come across as being harsh, I just would hate to see your relationship fail like mine did.
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I know that feeling bro.
On friday I saw my gf again after being apart for one week and we met in the sauna.
Lots of naked girls there, including her. I was constantly fighting my urges, because I wanted to fuck her so bad, but that´s kinda difficult in the sauna. And getting all worked up is a little embarrasing in the sauna, because everyone would notice...
But what kinda freaked me out was that I was checking out a maybe 50 year old woman, while my young beautiful girlfriend was beside me.
I don´t know if it is normal, to find these women attractive. I´ve been addicted to porn for so long. I´ve always considered most girls ugly, some pretty decent, but none of them was really hot in my opinion (except my gf of course)
But on the other hand, why can´t a 50 year old woman be attractive, if she kept herself fit and in decent shape?
I think porn conditioned us to only find the best looking women attractive, because let´s be honest an absolutely perfect girl in real life, would only be average looking compared to the hottest women in porn. Porn is designed to be that way, to get us hooked.

Maybe, there´s nothing wrong with you. Maybe you´re just beginning to find girls attractive, you just didn´t consider attractive before.
LDRs are fucking retarded you realize shes getting fucked by Chad every night because
girls need to get off just as much as guys and theres literally no way you could know
what shes getting into

also why would you lie about being attracted to other girls i tell my gf that i hit on other
girls all the time and she gets more turned on by it because she knows that i can go up
and chat girls and get them attracted to me

anyways bro you need to get a better purpose than your girl you sound like a nice guy
but thats not what girls in 2017 want

tldr: shes getting fucked by Chad because girls get just as horny as you and if you arent
there to meet her needs shes going to get them met by some other guy
Good job for choosing to lie when she asked if you looked at any girls. It shows that you at least care about her feelings, but let's not make lying a habit.

Did you just say that you wanted to release during a skype call? And you're on day 19?

Say something like that again and I'm hopping off that plane. I will collect my plane ticket, and we will have to fight. That's only if you choose to relapse. So choose wisely.

(I'm joking if anyone thought I was serious)
If you care about someone's feelings you don't lie to them. "Hurt me with the truth but don't comfort me with a lie."
If you care about someone's feelings you don't lie to them. "Hurt me with the truth but don't comfort me with a lie."
The truth is always right, but it's not always the best time to tell it. Here's my philosophy on being honest.

From Interstellar (2014)
Cooper: Hey TARS, what's your honesty parameter?

TARS: 90 percent.

Cooper: 90 percent?

TARS: Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings.

Cooper: Okay, 90 percent it is.