Cold turkey


Hey this is something I've wanted to restart for a while and I usually last till about day 5/6 then fap as I find the intensity too much. I'm at a point where my porn addiction is leaving me tired low self esteem and I'm watching things that don't really interest me the addictions reward has become a greater release when the content is even weirder (I've been doing this for nearly ten years I've seen everything) I'm currently on day 3. From my previous experience which I lasted for 95 days. I always remember the instance in the 3rd week when I was really hungover and still managed not to fap (which is when I am most horny) and this gave me a lot of confidence and a large amount of self control. It is true girls do take much more interest in you and you feel more self assured and confident about you and yourself, mix this with going to the gym and you feel like a god. so now this is day 3 and I'm keeping a diary to prove to myself that I can stick to this and let you know of my own struggles and see if any one can relate. I want to quit porn fapping for life. Much love to anyone on the same journey stay strong and I will update tomorrow evening.
On day 5 now still going strong yesterday was hard. Watched dead poets society yesterday and was inspired by it, seize the day! Count your rose buds while you may. Might start focusing on how I can make each day better instead of focusing on bigger numbers. Talk soon xo
Hey i fapped yesterday after not being ballsy enough to get in with this girl. I feel guilty but I'm gonna try again day 1 again I've got this bye x
Stay strong! It's the destination, not the journey. We already know the journey will be difficult!! We need to focus on the end, which hopefully never ends. I want to quit M'ing forever. I want orgasms with a loving partner and that's it. We've got to keep this in mind; it's the DESTINATION! Grind through the journey!