Commiting to be be lost in my desires

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Pure Taste, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. Pure Taste

    Pure Taste Fapstronaut

    Since I was a child I have been facing sexual content. First I was forced to it through a neighbour of mine. Later I just seek it everywhere to reflect on all my emotions. In kindergarten two of my teachers abused me mentally after I had sexual exploration with a girlfriend of mine. The shame in me was planted and grew from this day on. Through my whole life, sexuality was something dirty that I had to hide from other people.
    Around 12 years old I figured out that I could not stay away from pornography and fantasising about girls in my life in this way. Not I am in my twenties and almost 1 month into NoFap. With every day my desire is growing and taking bigger parts in my thoughts. I admit being helpless over my addiction. Still, I have hope and want to fight for a more healthy life with clear and open sexuality!
  2. Welcome, that's a very brave thing to do. I'm sure you can do it!
    Keep your hope and you'll get there eventually :)
    Pure Taste likes this.
  3. Welcome to the community.
    Pure Taste likes this.
  4. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the community friend. It is good to have you here!

    1 month is a huge success, don't give up, stay strong! Good luck!
    Pure Taste likes this.
  5. Pure Taste

    Pure Taste Fapstronaut

    Thank you, guys. It means a lot to me. No shit!