As what my username says, I've finally completed my 30 days challenge. The reason why I started this challenge was that I thought I had PIED. I came to that conclusion because the first time I had sex, I couldn't get it up. for anyone that wants to know more in-depth here's a link to my first post I made addressing what happened:
However, for a quick summary of this post is I meet a girl I really liked, I've been talking to her for a while and we had sex. for whatever reason I wasn't able to get it up (it was my first time but not hers) during the moment I didn't really feel nervous so I concluded I've most of PIED. backstory, I'm 21 and I've started PMO 2 years ago (prior to that I didn't have any interest in it) I started off PMO 5-12 a day for a few months until it started affected me physically and intervened with my personal life so from there on then I only PMO 1-3 a day pretty much every day until the day I had sex. keep in mind I'm not addicted to Porn, I've literally only watched it when I'm PMO'ing. I'm physically healthy, sportive person and a fairly confident person and mentally don't suffer from anything.
Having gone through probably the most embarrassing moment of my life I decided to join the Nofap community and do my own 30 days no PMO starting the next day. like anyone should do I've done research on this PIED I assumed I was suffering from and came across a video that explained about it and to test whether you have actually PIED. I created a post about this finding and within it is the link to the video for those that may be interested:
The video basically explains if you're able to PMO but not MO (not fantasizing/thinking about porn scenario) then you definitely have PIED but if you able to PMO and MO (MO'ing just from pure sensation) then it's most likely performance anxiety. To no surprise, I was able to MO (i didn't PMO because I already knew I could) so at that point, I realised I just had performance anxiety which is weird because like I mentioned I'm a fairly confident person and during the moment I wasn't really nervous but who knows.
A recap on my journey to 30 days no PMO:
Puting my 30 days nofap (my little friend) to the test
The main purpose for doing Nofap was to firstly, stop watching porn and secondly and most importantly to cure my supposed 'ED'. I've stopped talking to that girl. However, I've been speaking to multiple girls and I plan on having sex with them lol. I'll keep you guys updated once I do, until then I have not yet fully completed my nofap challenege.
However, for a quick summary of this post is I meet a girl I really liked, I've been talking to her for a while and we had sex. for whatever reason I wasn't able to get it up (it was my first time but not hers) during the moment I didn't really feel nervous so I concluded I've most of PIED. backstory, I'm 21 and I've started PMO 2 years ago (prior to that I didn't have any interest in it) I started off PMO 5-12 a day for a few months until it started affected me physically and intervened with my personal life so from there on then I only PMO 1-3 a day pretty much every day until the day I had sex. keep in mind I'm not addicted to Porn, I've literally only watched it when I'm PMO'ing. I'm physically healthy, sportive person and a fairly confident person and mentally don't suffer from anything.
Having gone through probably the most embarrassing moment of my life I decided to join the Nofap community and do my own 30 days no PMO starting the next day. like anyone should do I've done research on this PIED I assumed I was suffering from and came across a video that explained about it and to test whether you have actually PIED. I created a post about this finding and within it is the link to the video for those that may be interested:
The video basically explains if you're able to PMO but not MO (not fantasizing/thinking about porn scenario) then you definitely have PIED but if you able to PMO and MO (MO'ing just from pure sensation) then it's most likely performance anxiety. To no surprise, I was able to MO (i didn't PMO because I already knew I could) so at that point, I realised I just had performance anxiety which is weird because like I mentioned I'm a fairly confident person and during the moment I wasn't really nervous but who knows.
A recap on my journey to 30 days no PMO:
- The first couple days my libido was off the roof like always lol (the 4th day I did the test- I didn't count that as a resist)
- 2nd week my libido was up and down
- 3rd week I flatline (i read stories of people feeling miserable or mentally drained etc.. but tbh I felt normal but that may have been due to me always doing something throughout the day)
- 4th week I noticed I started getting really strong morning wood and spontaneously getting hard throughout the day
Puting my 30 days nofap (my little friend) to the test
The main purpose for doing Nofap was to firstly, stop watching porn and secondly and most importantly to cure my supposed 'ED'. I've stopped talking to that girl. However, I've been speaking to multiple girls and I plan on having sex with them lol. I'll keep you guys updated once I do, until then I have not yet fully completed my nofap challenege.