Completely addicted


New Fapstronaut
I was addicted to porn and masturbation from age of has completely occupied my life and i can't change concentrate on other now 27 years old.i don't have any friends and waste so much time watching porn.This led to watching fetish porn and getting my mind into into real world I'm just a shy guy and not active.I need to somehow stop this to get a better life.
Welcome to the community. You've made a very brave step in coming here, but worry not there is nothing to fear. There will be no judgement and no shame here. Your goals are your goals and you will find that everybody has an idea of what it is that is bothering them and everybody is trying to solve those bothers in a way that they can handle. You too will find your comfort zone along the path of your journey. Sometimes that comfort zone does not work and you may falter and you may have to adjust your routine or your goals, but such is life. Nobody will belittle you here. I would recommend reading as many of the posts as you can, comment on a few, and tell us more about your issues and your journey in the Journals section. You will find that the more you see that you are not alone and the more you talk about your situation you will become more comfortable and relaxed with more confidence. Good luck with your journey!
Hi Jake,

I like to pretty much reassure new comers that regardless of how your next few weeks/months go; you're already on a path of personal growth. Congrats for acknowledging what so many of us have fought for years. The fact that you're willing to try and rid yourself of porn and physical/mental self-harm is a huge step and not to be taken lightly. Read up in the new to NoFap sections, and read around for some inspirational members you can relate to. I've found that is the key here, taking yourself out of the me vs. the world environment. You're not alone, and you're not the first to cross this bridge, so listen, learn, and succeed, my friend.
I was addicted to porn and masturbation from age of has completely occupied my life and i can't change concentrate on other now 27 years old.i don't have any friends and waste so much time watching porn.This led to watching fetish porn and getting my mind into into real world I'm just a shy guy and not active.I need to somehow stop this to get a better life.

Welcome to NoFap @Jake4092
It is a big step if you can understand what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:

I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:
You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.
To get more focus and feel happier with life I recommend you to start doing meditation.. I have been using an App called Headspace for the last two months which is great if you have never meditated before. The first 10 sessions are free if you want to give a try. I used to feel a bit depressed or feeling without energy to start new projects in my life, and meditation has helped me a lot with this.

Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take new e-course that Mark Queppet launched in his new website, called: " REFORGED MAN: Quit porn and Master Yourself-Be a Man you Admire", it is the updated version of the e-course he used to have in NoFap Academy. It is not cheap ($200) but it is totally worth it because he gives great toold to fight PMO.You can find it here:
You can also join his website called Patreon, where he posts great stuff for free every week, and also you can join the pay area to be part of his weekly video calls where you can chat with them in real life, get coaching and listen to other guys's stories and problems too. You can find it here:
You can also use this Excel table to track your reboot. If you did not watch P or MO'd you leave it in 0 and it will show gree, if you did it you fill in in the column (PMO or MO) with the amount of times, if it was 1 it will show in yellow, 2 or more in red. In the left column you can add how strong the urges were each day. template.xlsx?dl=0

I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.
Let's keep on fighting
