Computer Help

I understand what you're saying, but I don't think you're getting my point. I'm not saying that your methods of being online might not work. I'm saying they won't work. Sooner or later, you will relapse if you have the ability, ultimately, to go anywhere you want online. It doesn't matter if you've memorized the passwords or how hard it may be to go online. This is an addiction and the addict inside us will often times go to any length to get that "fix" we want so badly.
Like I said, I have ways of dealing with that that work. The problem is I need software, extensions, or safesearch-like applications that can be password locked.
Like I said, I have ways of dealing with that that work. The problem is I need software, extensions, or safesearch-like applications that can be password locked.

However you plan on getting software that can be password locked, if you are able to get/remember/unlock the password and use it yourself, this will NOT work, in my opinion. You need to have someone else enter the password so that you are never able to get it yourself.
However you plan on getting software that can be password locked, if you are able to get/remember/unlock the password and use it yourself, this will NOT work, in my opinion. You need to have someone else enter the password so that you are never able to get it yourself.
As I have explained to you, I have ways of dealing with that. If you have no technical solutions, I am not interested.
I don't understand why you say that.

Filter keeps you away from the problem.
no having filter keep you close to the problem.

the normal person would prefer anything that keeps him away from the problem of falling from the roof.

take your house for example, if it has a roof: it probably has a fence. why ? because it keeps you away from the problem
Are you addicted to falling off your roof, though?

I'm suggesting that there is basically no hope for an addict who relies on himself to not access porn without any outside help. If the addict has the passwords to getting online unrestricted, then, in my experience, no, there's not much hope at all.
That's sad to hear.
I must say I've also seen a lot of people struggle, on this website, and have been struggling myself for many years. I do not frequent the 'Success Stories' section. In case you do: have you read stories of people that got free from addiction by your suggested strategy? I personally find it hard to imagine it. It would be hard to do with alcohol or drugs, but with porn it seems completely impossible to me to stay free from it by denying access to it. You can find it so easily, and free of charge, as long as you have any device with an internet connection. Unless you use a solution like Pluckeye, perhaps? I doubt that'd be workable for most people, though.
And just to be clear, you're saying that if an addict resets quite often with a filter, then getting rid of the filter is the answer???
Yes. It's helped me many times in the past. It is always possible to find porn, and if you have a filter, your goal (at least mine did) might often change from not watching porn to finding porn. The filter is what makes it challenging, and a curiosity. If you have free access to porn, there's no point in fiddling with your filter, or finding holes, or looking for porn on whitelisted sites.
Are you addicted to falling off your roof, though?

That's sad to hear.
I must say I've also seen a lot of people struggle, on this website, and have been struggling myself for many years. I do not frequent the 'Success Stories' section. In case you do: have you read stories of people that got free from addiction by your suggested strategy? I personally find it hard to imagine it. It would be hard to do with alcohol or drugs, but with porn it seems completely impossible to me to stay free from it by denying access to it. You can find it so easily, and free of charge, as long as you have any device with an internet connection. Unless you use a solution like Pluckeye, perhaps? I doubt that'd be workable for most people, though.

Yes. It's helped me many times in the past. It is always possible to find porn, and if you have a filter, your goal (at least mine did) might often change from not watching porn to finding porn. The filter is what makes it challenging, and a curiosity. If you have free access to porn, there's no point in fiddling with your filter, or finding holes, or looking for porn on whitelisted sites.

I'm absolutely not wanting to have an argument about this, so I'm going to try to make my point without being sarcastic or condescending at all. But I'm truly blown away by this concept that to beat an addiction to porn, a suggestion is being made to have more access to it. I'm not suggesting that an internet filter is the only thing to use. There are MANY other tools and resources to be utilized in this battle. The most important one, in my opinion, being the 12 step SA prgoram.
So if a roof - which you have no addiction to fell from, and you still put a fence.
than nude woman - who you will be certainly addicted to fell for, than it makes much more sense to put on a fence.
If I were addicted to falling off roofs, I would try to stay away from them. If I found a roof with a fence on it, I would be less inclined to stay away from the roof (it has a fence on it, after all), and eventually I would find myself trying to climb the fence.

Here ends my contribution to this thread. I hope I have made my point clear to those that it applies to. @OP: I do not currently know of any filters for PC except one that relies on DNS, which you said you couldn't use. I hope you'll find something else, or find a way to do without it. Best of luck, and don't give up!
If I were addicted to falling off roofs, I would try to stay away from them. If I found a roof with a fence on it, I would be less inclined to stay away from the roof (it has a fence on it, after all), and eventually I would find myself trying to climb the fence.

Here ends my contribution to this thread. I hope I have made my point clear to those that it applies to. @OP: I do not currently know of any filters for PC except one that relies on DNS, which you said you couldn't use. I hope you'll find something else, or find a way to do without it. Best of luck, and don't give up!

So if you were addicted to fall of the roof: you will stay away from it.
If I were addicted to fall off the roof: I would have build a fence.

So you are even better advocate for Porn blocker and filter than me: not just make a fence (blocker), but also stay away from it (using a flip phone)

I am just trying to show to you the holes in your thinking.

Also, when we ask people like you what is your plan, you give genius ideas like:
"Just... stop doing it !"
"Just... think about the consequences !"
"Just say no to drugs !"
"More positive thinking !"
"Ask yourself: is that what I really want to do in life?"
"Think about who you want to be 5 years from now !"

like you can wish the porn away or something.

Try 208 67 222 123 & 208 67 2220 123

it works but you can still erase it and porn will be available

I think you meant 220 there.

Going back to the thread, as already said here, an accountability person that can save your passwords/administrate your PC/devices is very important. If you're embarrased to ask a friend or family and you're seeing or talking with a psychologist, that person could help you.

Edit: alternatively, you can use Lockbox from Pluckeye instead of an accountability person to hold the passwords.
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