Confusion about testosterone values after test.

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Mountaingoat123, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. Mountaingoat123

    Mountaingoat123 Fapstronaut

    Hey, I took a test, cause I have had some problems, both me and my doctor agree that this is 98% chance due to PMO addiction, but we did a test anyway.

    The result showed S-Testoterone of 19 with reference values of 6,7 - 31,9.

    While I read online the normal values are between: 280 to 1,100 ng/dL.

    I'm just confused what is the difference about these tests?
    Should I demand a new test, or is the answer I got okay? Just a little bit confused, thank you :)
  2. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    The test doesn't reference the unit for values between 6,7 - 31,9 ?

    Should be in "nmol/Liter" which would mean you would be around 548 ng/dL.
  3. Mountaingoat123

    Mountaingoat123 Fapstronaut

    I'll ask my doctor about it Wednesday, I'm going there then. But 548 then? That's acceptable then I hope.
  4. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    The ranges they use are absolute bull****, in my opinion.

    How are you personally feeling ?

    548 is too low. As a young man, you want to be above 800.

    You will see what your doctor tells you. If it's 548, he will probably tell you you are OK (depends on what ranges he is using). If he knows what he is talking about, he will tell you it's too low for your age.

    I would try to boost your Testosterone and see if it helps your symptoms.