Could this be a strategy to avoid withdrawals ??

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Xander_, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone. This idea caught up my mind for a very long time. However, I was thinking about ... since you know that withdrawals occur when our dopamine levels are getting to normal stage and our brain "tortures" us because it wants a shot of a dopamine. So I thought ... why not giving a dopamine to the brain ? But not the one induced by porn, I was thinking about something natural. So I am not sure, but i think that only dopamine induced by porn is harmful, right ?
    Long story short - I was thinking of food which increases dopamine level in our body.
    This is what i got from wikihow:

    There are more stuff, but I only searched for stuff which interested me and that is food and some excerises.
    So I need your opinions. Could this be a some kind of solution or something. I'd like to hear some opinions.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
  2. napionder

    napionder Fapstronaut

    I'm a vegan and I pretty much eat and do everything on your list. Still I constantly relapsed for almost a year, before going on this record run. So, like so many things, your list can be helpful, but it is not going to the thing that will make you succeed.
    But nice research though!
    Thanks for sharing.
  3. ADC

    ADC Fapstronaut

    This is something everybody should understand... If your life only consists in masturbating to porn, eating junk food and sleeping, if you decide to cut porn from your life you're going to relapse a few days/weeks later, that's obvious.
    You have to find things that make your life better and help you feel better - sport comes to my mind because it helped me a hell lot but there a lot of other things that can be done too : eating healthy for example or trying to find a new and safe activity like paiting or anything that comes to your mind.

    But napionder is still true about what he says : eating vegetables everyday won't do the work for you and this is a fight, not "sitting there and watching what happens while you eat properly and practice sports".
  4. This was not meant to be solution for all problems. No one cant beat MOP addiction unless person wants to. What i wanted to say that this might be some kind of fuel which could boost up your progress.