Crying is awesome


I love to cry. One of the best things ever. It makes me calm. I feel connected with the universe when I cry. I cry everytime before I go to sleep, regardless of what happened during the day. This reminds me that I'm a human in this world. I'm not ashamed to say that. I don't care what society thinks. Embrace the sadness.
I wish I could cry more, but it's difficult for me. I need things to help me let go, like sad songs or sad scenes from movies. When I do finally cry I feel great afterwards!!
It sounds as if you can cry on command. Wish I could do that dude. I barely ever cry but when I do I feel super relieved the next days. Time to watch Clannad! haha
Too much of anything is not balanced or healthy. Letting tears flow is healthy, but don't cling to the tears, release and let go of the emotion. Pleasant, painful, or something else, too much is unhealthy.

Crying every night before sleep is abnormal, I hate to say it.

Let's ask Doc Wilson,

'Crying can be an extremely useful and necessary method for releasing acute sadness, primarily, and perhaps some anxiety related to sadness. It is a natural body function, in fact. Babies and children use it spontaneously. Adults often have been trained not to use it, or have literally forgotten how good it can feel and how therapeutic it can be in some situations.
Tears also contain certain chemicals and may be a way the body eliminates some toxins. The fact that tears flow from the eyes, which are near the brain, is important and has to do with the release of sadness, primarily.'

Too much can deplete nutrients,

DrGonzos 2 cents:
"Tears do for the soul what rain does for flowers."

Thought I would explain this a bit. Basically, it's fine. It would help your soul grow but like if you water a plant/flower too much, you'll kill it.

Crying isn't a sign of weakness, but crying all the time can be a sign that you have a deep emotional issue that needs resolving. If anything not crying is unhealthy as it shows that you are not expression your emotions.
Too much of anything is not balanced or healthy. Letting tears flow is healthy, but don't cling to the tears, release and let go of the emotion. Pleasant, painful, or something else, too much is unhealthy.

Crying every night before sleep is abnormal, I hate to say it.

Let's ask Doc Wilson,

'Crying can be an extremely useful and necessary method for releasing acute sadness, primarily, and perhaps some anxiety related to sadness. It is a natural body function, in fact. Babies and children use it spontaneously. Adults often have been trained not to use it, or have literally forgotten how good it can feel and how therapeutic it can be in some situations.
Tears also contain certain chemicals and may be a way the body eliminates some toxins. The fact that tears flow from the eyes, which are near the brain, is important and has to do with the release of sadness, primarily.'

Too much can deplete nutrients,

DrGonzos 2 cents:
"Tears do for the soul what rain does for flowers."

Thought I would explain this a bit. Basically, it's fine. It would help your soul grow but like if you water a plant/flower too much, you'll kill it.

Crying isn't a sign of weakness, but crying all the time can be a sign that you have a deep emotional issue that needs resolving. If anything not crying is unhealthy as it shows that you are not expression your emotions.

You are right.. And I know I'm not expressing my emotions. That's because I don't feel anything. Besides sadness and frustration. I hope it'll get better with NoFap
Ever since I started nofap, and especially on my longest streaks, my emotions seem to be coming back. I can get tears every time if I watch a sad or inspirational movie. Lord of the Rings is one of the movies that affects me the most. There's also been several times when I wasn't able to cry even when I wanted to after PMOing.
I cry, and I find it very helpful. It is cleansing like rain. Mostly I cry for release, but I don't think it's too often. I cry for joy, and for sorrow - mine and others. But, being a woman, I have more societal license to do so. I feel sad that men are not often tearful. I let my boys cry, it's part of life..
Recently I've regained the ability to cry. Whether it's related to PMO abstinence (more emotionally vulnerable and sensitive) or not, tears bring back passion towards my surroundings. I realize how indifferent and insensible I had been for the last two or three years. Personal conclusion: crying soothes my soul and makes me sense feelings again.
I can agree with most of what Rectify is saying. Crying is good or even necessary for "certain" reasons. You can cry out of joy; for example, a parent seeing their son/daughter graduating from college or seeing them having a wedding. You can cry out of affection for someone or something especially if you love them dearly. And if you're at funeral for someone, I pray that you're not grinning from ear to ear. Furthermore, it may be necessary to cry over a breakup of some sort. But in the end, you need to move on and find a way to heal your broken heart.

Other on the hand, if you're sobbing over the fact than you've lost in a professional fight or a tennis match or even that woman who lost in a fencing match during the Olympics, then you need to get a freaking grip. No one likes to see a person spiraling into an emotional train wreck especially in front of a crowd. I agree that too much crying is unhealthy. However, there's that "awesome" feel good cry that RiseAbove mentioned.

I just had the worst cry in years last week. I liked this girl for years and I finally told her the truth. However, I wanted to stay friends because we've both been hurt in the past. I made this painful sacrifice because last Christmas another girl literally destroyed my heart that it was barely beating. It was a bittersweet ending for the girl that I liked because she may have liked me too, but I cried over the other girl for a whole day! I was like holy shit, I've never cried for that long in my life!! Of course, it needed to come out, but I'm over it now. I may have overdone it, but who gives a shit.
Too much of anything is not balanced or healthy. Letting tears flow is healthy, but don't cling to the tears, release and let go of the emotion. Pleasant, painful, or something else, too much is unhealthy.

Crying every night before sleep is abnormal, I hate to say it.

Let's ask Doc Wilson,

'Crying can be an extremely useful and necessary method for releasing acute sadness, primarily, and perhaps some anxiety related to sadness. It is a natural body function, in fact. Babies and children use it spontaneously. Adults often have been trained not to use it, or have literally forgotten how good it can feel and how therapeutic it can be in some situations.
Tears also contain certain chemicals and may be a way the body eliminates some toxins. The fact that tears flow from the eyes, which are near the brain, is important and has to do with the release of sadness, primarily.'

Too much can deplete nutrients,

DrGonzos 2 cents:
"Tears do for the soul what rain does for flowers."

Thought I would explain this a bit. Basically, it's fine. It would help your soul grow but like if you water a plant/flower too much, you'll kill it.

Crying isn't a sign of weakness, but crying all the time can be a sign that you have a deep emotional issue that needs resolving. If anything not crying is unhealthy as it shows that you are not expression your emotions.
crying is a good way to release emotions or sth but you should be able to cry first!when you fap you are numb and can't cry!!!!
I personally cry rarely.last time i remember i cried it was 2 years ago!!!!!
I rarely cry myself. Not sure why. I am not good when it comes to showing my feelings/emotions.

When I know I am ready to cry I just hold it in, which sucks because you do release everything when you cry.

I cried last year when my grandfather died and that was probably the first time in 10 years.
NoFap is turning out to contain all sorts of interesting conversations :-)
I don't tend to have a big full on cry very much (but it happens sometimes), but a few tears is quite common. Often just kind of out of the blue for no real reason, and what always manages to bring a few tears, whether in a movie or something or in reality, is when I witness when one person expresses real respect and gratitude and love for another, like when someone is making a speech or something. The exception was when I was suffering a period of fairly acute depression and anxiety - I cried heaps then!

I'm kind of surprised, but quite fascinated by peoples observations of how they see ease and frequency of crying to be related to PMO addiction etc. Look forward to hearing more.
Well I'm 4 weeks into awareness of this whole NoFap phenomenon. Really starting to feel the benefits.
For the first time in over 20 years I've just had a proper cry. A cry of sheer emotion not through sadness.
I have just faced into a difficult conversation with my new woman and it went really well. Just having the strength to do that, getting a positive outcome and reflecting on it and the tears just came.
Wonderful wild feeling and proof to me that this is real. I feel so focused and proud
Other than a tear or two during a sad movie it's probably been a year since I had a good cry. I don't know if I've ever cried from an emotion other than sadness, so I'm a little disappointed.
I think its been like 3 years or more that I decided to cry whenever I want. The older I become the more I cry... thats whats happening. Sometimes I cry in the middle of a walk, in public transportation, looking at some movie, or while I´m Writting. This week I cried almost everyday and, a part from feeling little tired, I feel releive. Just thought: " If I'am Crying today for something that happened 7 years ago, then I needed to cry more 7 years ago." So, just realized I been living a life where Im not crying enough. Yes!
I think its marvelous! The act of crying, I mean. Its like our emotions and thoughts suddenly happen to exist in the material world, in a more palpable form: Tears ( but also noises and in my case saliva). Pure alchemy :)