Hey guy
Pied means......Porn induced erectile dysfunction......... resulting from too much activity or stimulation from both or one or the other, unable to perform, due to unable to achieve a hard enough erection for penetration. I never had a bedroom intimacy problem with my wife till I got heavily involved with pmo..... porn...... masturbation.....orgasm. it changes our dopamine in our brains, the chemical that gets us excited/stimulated. So in order to correct this we have to reboot bringing our brains back to a healthy state or mode. It's going to take time depending on how much of an addiction we had. I hope this helps, as it's my own perception & expressions from others. It's definitely a challenging process, but one can power through these temporary urges..... In order to experience the benefits & see the light at the end of the tunnel......
Let me know if this helps you man!