Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

Today I will not use porn because

I love myself too much
I love my life too much to risk it
I love my gf too much to hurt her
I love my gf's daughter too much to risk my entire relationship with her mother
I love my job too much and if I keep following this path of P then it'll surely consume me to the point where i'll lose it
I love my house too much and if I keep following this path of P I'll eventually lose it
I don't want to pay for sex which I'll end up doing if I keep following P
I don't want to catch a disease which I"ll end up doing if I keep following P
I don't want to hurt my family
I don't want my friends to find out
I don't want my family to find out
I don't want to risk my life because I could eventually get to such a dark place that I would consider ending it
I don't want to waste any more time on it
I want to enjoy my life more instead
I want to be free of this burden
I want my relationship to have a deeper meaning
I don't want to lie to anyone
I want P to end in my life
I don't want to keep training myself to use it to escape things
I've sacrificed too much to throw it all away
I've worked too hard to throw it all away
I've spent way to much money on it already
I enjoy myself and my life so much more when I'm free of it
I love how I feel in the morning knowing that I didnt look at it last night
I love my life when I don't look at it
I love being free of it and how I feel when I'm clean for any amount of time
I'd rather spend my time on this site helping people when I can
I'd rather change my life for the better
I'd rather enjoy what life has to offer that is real vs something that is fake
I know I don't really want it
I know it's my brain lying to me
I know once it's over I'll have zero interest in it and I'll even question why i"m interested in it at all
I know I'll have deep regrets if I do
I know I'll feel like crap if I do
I know the urge is only temporary
I know the urge is fake
I know its just a chemical reaction
I know its a drug addiction
I know it's not real
I know there's no real connection
I know it's a dirty filthy industry
I know the people on the camera are only interested in stealing my money
I know it's not what I really want
I know I'll be happier if I do not indulge
I know I'll grow stronger but not looking at it
I know I'll be a better person if I don't look at it
I know it's not real
I know it's all fake
I know it's an industry built on ripping people off
I know it's soul sucking
I know by looking at it I'm supporting the filthiest of people who are doing the most harm to other people
I know by looking at it I'm supporting human trafficing
I know the person on camera probably has had a really hard life and likely doesn't really want to be doing this
I know I'm better than this
I know I"m stronger than this
I know i KICK ASS at not looking at it
today no pmo, because i relapsed today, and i gotta learn from my relapses. Getting serious and practical in mind & life. Going to keep it real with myself! Pmo brought me some short term excitement and relief, but i know it won't help my build a good life. I gotta do that, and not rely on pmo as an escape from pain or boredom, stress... whatever. I gotta go through that, i gotta get real with life!!
Today I will not PMO because I'm fed up of pleasuring myself with virtual content...time to build up my life...time to build up career...time to build some muscles & body...time to build up dream in real...sticking to porn brings nothing in last several year...so this time I will no more go for such stuff...RIP PMO...