Dating App?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by EnterTheMatrix, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    So I am on 15tg day of Nofap. And wanted to ask you this that is it good to use dating app? Does it work? Is it fine for me to use or I should find girl by going outside?
    GripStrength and blacklabel92 like this.
  2. Roffelaar

    Roffelaar Fapstronaut

    Dating apps work otherwise they wouldn't exist.

    Going outside might be a hard thing now with covid 19, but if that wasn't the case... daygaming and nightgaming are far more effective than using an app in my opinion. Also it develops more skill and more courage.
    You're fine using an app though. But if you don't spend some time making good pictures and making a good profile then don't bother.
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    If you're using it as a dating app its fine. My problem though is I end up using the dating app like a porn site.
  4. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    They work, but mostly only if you have an appealing profile. Apparently, many women don't like profiles with pictures of men who; show off the fish they caught, show off with their car, and men who post photos of themselves wearing sunglasses. I think what works is showing that you have a life, humor and confidence. I'm not saying I got all that. But I'm pretty sure these are the basics.

    This can all be shown in photos or text. Well, don't just say 'I'm a funny guy' but show it if you are. *Sigh* and that's where it gets difficult, if you want to be original. "If you don't like your photos in real life, you'll have to pay for drinks until you do" cliche kinda lines are getting stale.

    You know the thing is.. if you could attract women in real life.. you wouldn't need the dating app.. right? So something's missing. You don't come across confident in RL. Or you don't have the looks. Wether it's your facial expression, your haircut or the way you dress or smell. You can meet women anywhere really. But do you have the self confidence to approach them? I know I don't, except when I've had a few drinks. But everything's closed right now and everyone's wearing these damn masks.

    Anyway. Did I get matches? Sure. But women are getting hundreds every week. They're ultra-picky on the dating apps, making it even more difficult for men. The really pretty ones don't really need the app for obvious reasons. Even the less appealing women get plenty of matches. In all honesty, I think these dating apps are inflating the confidence of women and degrading the confidence of men.

    Try the apps when you're young. If you're above 30, certain apps will charge you more because at that age people become more desperate for a life partner, and they're willing to pay to find one. Guilty as charged here, the subscription did help, but I feel F-ed in the bum at the same time.
    yrjyrj and blacklabel92 like this.
  5. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut


    Depends.. If your photogenic and ur pics are good quality and im talkin like tik tok boy band lookin ass quality.. Then dating apps forsure.. I aint photogenic by a mile and my pics suck so going outside bird dogging chicks is a much better option for me.. But honestly.. Why not just do both??
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  6. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Lol.. Good one..
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  7. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    I feel that.. Thats crazy too cause ur just looking at average girls but their pics are so accentuated they look like supermodels.. But we all know irl.. Cmon..
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  8. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut

    Hard but not impossible.. Ppl still commuting for work.. Better chance of finding a decent person who actually works for a living..
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  9. I just started two accounts and to be honest, I havent even talked to any of the girls yet but the idea of swiping left and right just does not suit well with me, feeling a bit nervous and uncomfortable using them.
  10. CharlieWex

    CharlieWex Fapstronaut


    I can tell you from experience that this is a very good way of online dating. Personally, this is how I met my girlfriend. If you are interested, this website helped me find my love . She lived in Russia and we communicated through the dating site. I couldn't believe for a long time that I felt so comfortable communicating with a person. We corresponded for a long time, then I asked her to fly to my place. At the moment we are living together and we are getting married soon. It's up to you, but it's worth a try. I hope you will see from my example that this method works.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  11. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    So i can find a girlfriend from it for sure
  12. It’s funny, I was thinking about this tonight. I’m newly single now and figuring out how or if I am ever going to date again, how to go about doing it.

    For me, downloading dating apps will be a trigger for me to spend hours looking at pictures and lead me to joining other sites where I just marinate, messaging people over and over again.

    If I am going to do it, it will have to be the old fashioned way.
  13. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

  14. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    People have a lot of success hooking up on apps like Tinder. Usually mostly pretty shallow though. But I’m coming to find out a lottt and I mean a lot of women and men are pretty shallow anyways. Could lead to a lot of hurt if looking for good people, or a lot of fun if just looking for fun, and possibly something real by accident.

    Ive never really tried. But actually decided to last year. I was very depressed and lonely. So was like fuck it, let’s give it an honest shot. This killed me... I realized how most people were, and I felt ready to just leave this earth to be honest. But I did end up on a dating website for people with mental illness. Although I don’t go to the doctor so I’ve never been diagnosed, severe long term depression was obvious, and paranoia attacks that are probably full blown psychosis is a thing for me. So I was like wth I’ll try it out. The people there were definitely more open and less shallow. Everyone there I guess has there problems and is aware of them unlike dating apps. Even that was hard on me because no one really clicked, but I did end up finding my gf on there a year ago and we’ve been dating since late January. We’re both working on ourselves and it was probably the best decision I’ve made as it totally saved my life.

    I would normally always be the one to say no to online dating. But now it’s hard to completely rule it out. I’d say do apps if you want to get laid/hurt if you’re more pure intentioned. Use serious dating apps if you want to find someone looking for something serious. And just do it in person for both as well. I’d say in person is a much better idea in general. You can gage more how people are. If you aren’t in school, I’d honestly go to college or university to try to find someone and also learn. If that’s not a thing I’d look in common places like activities or work. But meh. If you want fun apps are 100 percent the way to go and people have accidentally found partners like that. So good luck with whatever you do! Try em all!
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.