Day 0 14 year old findom addict


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Hello can someone please help me im 14 years old and i am addicted to findom pornography since 11 years old, it has affected my confindence a lot and ruined stuff that use to be fun before i started to watch. I have been doing nofap for a year and got to 2 month streaks but always find myself failing so someone please help cause findom addiction is the worst and i want to succeed in my 20s and be different then everyone else
With fem dom addiction there are some different components.

First there is the physical addiction. Addiction to the sensations of fapping and whatever else they told me to do. (For example, putting things some where else!) And seeing the women's bodies and pornographic images. Those are the PMO addiction components.

Then there are the emotional components. The fem dom person is essentially an abuser. Lots of people have trouble leaving an abuser. I know I had more trouble leaving abusers in the past because I couldn't stand up for myself, couldn't say no, had low self-worth, and was even comfortable with the feelings of being abused. I almost preferred to be treated poorly than to be treated well but I knew it wasn't good for me.

I recovered from the emotional component of my fem dom addiction in the adult children program. I used phone meetings and continue to use them to this day. I have a much easier time walking away from abusive situations and taking care of myself. I actually am surrounded much more by people who respect and treat me well and I know I deserve love and care. I didn't use to have such a strong sense of self and in the ACA program I was able to find out why and begin healing from that.

I like telephone meetings and continue to use them each day. In addition to attending nofap forum each day. With that I address both main components of this addiction and address the under-lying issues which drive it.