
New Fapstronaut
Hello everyone. It is blue3shiv here and this makes a restart of nofap. I got into it heavily today on the internet despite forbidding myself. I promptly took action. More on that... That even though I had taken a vow! Luckily I wanted to protect my parents as well I swore on my parents but I also said please protect them ... I guess that was just in case I relapsed... Lucky...upon several morning relapses I then knew somehow to immediately delete my Twitter account because it was easy to easy to access sex there. And that was a brave move on my part. I plan to do at least 34 days nofap which will be ten days more than my last...just completed a few days back. Hopefully... it'll be a permanent habit. There are many reasons I want to do this. Examples: self- esteem, more energy, a bigger life. More on that later. Sorry for the long post! I can be more concise in future but this is a big day for me and it shouldn't be underestimated...not even by me... 45 years in and haven't stopped! Som..Here's to our mutual success! Glad to join and thanks for the anonymity! ☺️ Now... let's conquer the demons together!