Day 12 about to fail


Deleted Account

I've been 12 days without PMO my best streak so far, the first days were difficult but not as much as today. I felt possessed without control of my body I wanted to do it regardless of the consequences but fortunately I could control myself, now I fear that the impulses will arrive equal or stronger and I ended up relapsing. Thank you for your attention, I just wanted to let off steam a bit, very difficult days await me.
Hey buddy
an urge might be temporary
but damage from PMO can last a lifetime
You're on the right path
Stick with it
I won't judge
But go out now and walk
Walk fast
Walk till your tired
Look in the mirror repeat - "Fuck you, porn! Die, porn! Die a slow and agonizing death, porn!"
Hate it like you have never hated anything so fiercely, badly, or deeply.
You cannot be passive with a porn addiction. Get mad! Not at yourself, at porn and everything it has done to hurt you.