Day 127! Nofap is easy if you find a way!


It's day 127!

The best way for me to overcome lust is hand-copying Buddhist sutras. (I recommend “Heart Sutra"). It's a quick way to calm and cool you down. It works for me every time.

If you are a Christian, try hand-copying the Bible, I think it works too.....Jesus is watching you, how dare you feel like watching porn videos and masturbating?
So, you reach 127 day with the thought that someone or God watching for you?

Yes! God is watching us. Everything we do, he knows. That means when we masterbate or watch porn videos, he knows it. Then would you dare to do this in front of God? This is what I thought.

I really recommend you guys to copy the Bible or "Buddhist Sutras" while you can't resist your sexual urges. It really helps.
If God is watching us that's all he does. The rest is up to us.