Day 15 : PMO/NoFap/Hard Mode


So, im at day 15 and i can really start to see differences in my temprement, attitude and mood.

The urges are much less frequent but they attack much more stronger, I'm really happy with myself for resisting because they really are much stronger than before. It seems to be certain womens faces that remind me of certain scenes I remember I was obsessed with. My immediate instinct now is to just turn away, resist the urge and think about something completely different. Its really tough but i can start to see a way out.

One thing I have noticed is my dreams are extremely intense. I had one nightmare which was very weird. But i've had a few dreams about porn, specifically where I was involved in certain scenes I remember. I remember being in the dreams and having sex and feeling extremely guilty, hearing myself say 'why are you doing this? you were doing so well'. Then i would wake up, slightly startled.

I find im focusing more and keeping my day busy, which helps hugely. Im working out, eating better, feeling less lethargic, learning new skills and funnyly enough i'm starting to communicate with women a lot better, like i'm as distracted with thoughts as I once was, they are still there but the diminish quicker.

My next post will be for Day 30, I hope to see even more changes.
