My current top list:
1.If you Christian already then you may find help reading Bible, praying aloud.
2.Avoid triggers, you have to make a trigger analysis about yourself on paper. Enviroment/tools, time, life situations etc, everything after you were pmoing, or places where you used to pmo, tools you used for pmoing. Avoid these as much you can. More you avoid triggers, less symptoms you will notice. At beginning it may takes days to become untriggered.
3.Avoid everything that can cause altered state of mind, hypnosis, meditation, breath techniques New Age/New Thought stuff etc.
In my experience these techniques will not help your brain to love normal things, and in some cases they can be dangerous too. So if you goal to recover from PMO addiction I would forget them for good.
4. Reading
aloud stories or anything, playing puzzles, playing boardgames, sudoku, calculating in head aloud, writing your diary on paper about your feelings, or what happened with you, hobbies etc. Make sure you do these offscreen. These are safe mental exercise in my experience.
5. Exercise, you have to sweat out addiction from your nervous system. Your goal should be find an exercise routine you can do
nearly every day, for rest of your life
safely. I do 20-30 minutes interval exercise routine after waking up listening radio, with 10-15 minutes
isometric exercises routine before breakfast. If i got time I do isometric exercises for 10-15 minutes before all meals. As I said choose safest exercises, and progress slowly, if you hurt yourself you may can not exercise for weeks, and that big problem for an addict.
6.Avoid blue light 2-3 hours before sleep, avoid emfs especially in your sleep enviroment. Emfs can disturb your sleep badly, and slow nerve changes.
7.Supplements, if you decide to take supplements I suggest this site I found taking magnesium in homemade liquid form, and rubbing d3 vitamin oil over my skin the most helpful. Chlorella can be good if you got digestion problems, and MSM cream if you got burning muscle, skin feeling. B wise choosing chlorella / MSM cream seller, some of them sell you poison instead.