Today is my 50th day of NoFap. Did it benefit me? Absolutely. The positive improvement subtly builds up. Your brain progressively heals when abstaining from PMO. The change happens subtly that some get discouraged and relapse. Another thing is, if you still leave there a possibility of relapsing in your subconscious mind, you are going to relapse. The trick is complete & bold determination to never PMO ever again. You have to change what is in your heart. The heart is the source. Attack/change the source. Educate yourself how bad porn & masturbation is in the long-term. You can find a lot of information on the Internet. Ask yourself "Do I want to be a wanker or a man?" PMO will ruin your life in the long-term. Your woman will never respect you, your friends and family also will not respect you. PMO severaly impacts you psychologically and physically. You just have no idea how bad it has ruined you because you never have gone without PMO long-term. Only after of no PMO90 days or 1 year will show you how it had impacted you. Now, you don't realise because you're used to it. Another advice is quit fantasising and lustrous glancing at women. They do not in any way increase your chance of getting girlfriend, no. Benefits: • Increased brainpower - concentration, focus, motivation, drive, intelligence, memory, complex problem solving, etc. • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem - more expressive and better at it. • Very beautiful and healthier looking skin. • Deeper, manly and soothing voice.
Well done man, feels good to read these words and see another brother on his journey, learning, growing and sharing his knowledge and experiences. It has to come from your heart, that is really the truth about nofap to me. For a long time NoFap used to be that "30" or "60" or "90" days challenge to me and it took me a while to understand that this wouldnt get me any further. I once watched a video where the guy said something that really made it clear ( i forgot the name of the channel ,sorry !) but it went somehow like this: imagine someone pushes your head under water and you cant breath. at some point absolutely nothing else will matter to you but getting out of that water and BREATHE. Now THAT is how much you should want to succeed at nofap. keep sharing and caring my friend, stay strong.
I'm on 14 days and already my skin looks more radiant and fuller, can't explain it better than that. Like it has a life force flowing through it rather just looking so sickly all the time. Someone told me today that I looked good and that my face has a healthy glow to it. My voice has more resonance as well as being deeper and yes more manly. I find that I can now hold my own in conversations whereas before I let others talk over me and I am sharp and funny now rather than being the one who always seemed to be the last to get the punchline. If this is me at 2 weeks I can't wait to get to where you are at Day 50 and when I'm there I'll write about it. You'll be on Day 86 then and just days away from 90 days and beyond. Congratulations on your 50 days and for sharing the benefits you're experiencing. You're an inspiration. Stay strong!
Thanks for sharing the benefits. These kinds of posts push me to do my best. Been trying for 2 years without any success over 3 weeks.
Great story. I can't wait to experience the full benefits. Been going at this for a year with no success but so far I'm not letting it stop me from getting to my goals. Hearing these stories are helping me so far.
I I agree it has to be a change of heart, if i do not fully commit relapse is imminent. I think this concept can be the most difficult. Changing a behaviour for an allotted amount of time is way easier than changing how i think.