Day 6, Nipple Orgasm Distrubing me a lot


I don't know male get nipple orgasm. I really feel like gay because female got nipple orgasm how male?. I did twisting my nipples then i got orgasm. How to overcome these habit ?.
Anyone do nipple orgasm as male ?. How to recover from? please.
What is so bad about it? If you hate it, just dont stimulate your nipples. But theres nothing gay about it. And this fear of being gay is also very weak and not manly. If I had nipple orgasms, I would explore it with my woman
I don't know male get nipple orgasm. I really feel like gay because female got nipple orgasm how male?. I did twisting my nipples then i got orgasm. How to overcome these habit ?.
Anyone do nipple orgasm as male ?. How to recover from? please.
A nipple is, anatomically speaking, supplied with a rich density of nerves. This makes it, in layman's terms, an erogenous zone- meaning stimulation of the area provides intense bursts of signals which go to the brain and stimulate arousal.
This is usually only true for women though, as their breasts are much more developed than the rudimentary male breasts.
Still, finding such behavior in males, although rare, is neither unhealthy, damaging nor strange.

If you don't want to do it, just don't touch your nipples. You can apply ice for short periods of time to them to shock yourself and numb the sensations there, but I would only recommend this as a last resort. Just keep your clothes on and it should deter your actions and allow you time to realize what you're doing.

How to recover from? please.
I repeat, there is nothing wrong with this.

The only thing wrong is PMO and your nipples are just an extra trigger you need to look out for. That's all.