Day 6 of my journey hopefully many more to come


Hello all today marks day 6 of my journey and the first day that I am using NoFap I have had enough of PMO it has ruined my life has made me less confident. It is such a shame I used to have so much energy but since I have started masturbation which started when I was 13 I have been feeling pains in my lower back and have had low self-esteem as if I'm not good enough, I PRAY that God will be with me I will beat this thing once and for all I am aiming to go 90 days, that should be more than enough time for a reboot I want to change my life around. Also I kind of like this girl very good lovely girl and I hope me stopping with PMO will give me the confidence to at least try and talk to her, I've never had a gf before since PMO messed my mind so much to the point where I see women as objects I will ensure that my mind-set changes, wish me luck guys God Bless you all.