Day 82 no porn


Hi All,

Bit of help please?

I have been addicted to spanking porn for 10 years. I have no abstained for 82 days from spanking porn.

I continue to masturbate, but use pictures of girls for stimulus rather than spanking videos.

I'm at day82 now and still feel fairly strong cravings

What to do now? When i get 90 days, where do I go from there?

Dude, pictures of girls can be just as stimulating, if not more stimulating than video pornography.
Cut that shit out, don't masturbate either.
You haven't reached 90 days at all, you've just been jerking off to less disgusting things, but nonetheless doing something that isn't good at all. You haven't kicked anything, if you reach 90 days in 9 days you haven't done shit yet, because you're still jerking off to porn.
No wonder you still feel strong cravings, you're still sending filth to your mind and using it to get off.
You need to go cold turkey man.
Don't masturbate at all. This is hard. For some people seemingly impossible, and you will most likely fail. But it's the only way to reduce cravings in the long term.
If you do masturbate, don't use pictures. Get off on the feeling of touch only, no fantasy, no images.
IDK where you got the idea from that masturbating to pictures is okay, if you want to do that that's fine, but it's not Nofap. And It's not a reboot, and it won't help you nor will it have any benefits besides the pleasure you feel when doing it, which isn't a real benefit, that pleasure is reserved for when you're actually impregnating someone, or at least having sex with a real person.
Think about it this way what positive things will porn/a relapse or ''light sexy content'' bring into your future life? Why did you do this 90 day challenge?

In the end you need to stop counting days, an addict stays an addict you hear sometimes. For me an ex-addict needs always to be aware of the fact that you can always fall back in old patterns. Just stop searching for sexy "light content" these are just triggers and can become heavy content quite easy again. If I was you stay clean als long as you can and do not fall back once you have one small relapse.
hi Guys - thanks for the input, albeit depressing - just to clarify, i have been masturbating to just regular pictures of scantily clad girls? just purely appreciating the female form - i thought that would be a positive step, no?
hi Guys - thanks for the input, albeit depressing - just to clarify, i have been masturbating to just regular pictures of scantily clad girls? just purely appreciating the female form - i thought that would be a positive step, no?

Hi Phil,

As a long time sex/porn addict, as well as a drug addict, I understand your reasoning here. I’ll share my experience concerning this.

I thought if I just drank alcohol, I’d be able to stop smoking weed all the time. Soon however, being drunk made it easier to decide to buy weed, so then I was just drinking and smoking. That’s because, as an addict, I’m great at substituting one problem for another and believing it’s better.

Same with porn/indecent images. I decided that if I was watching softer stuff, I was getting better. Soon though, I was back where I started (and often worse!).

If we are addicts, that’s our reality. Addiction is cunning, and will fool us into thinking we’ve made progress, before rearing its ugly head and biting us. The fact you are working to change things shows you are making progress, but if you think you’d benefit from a life free from addictive tendencies, there is more to be done.

I have more clean time from drugs/alcohol, but I’ve been shown how PMO has been damaging me too and am working to move on. Message me anytime if you’d like to chat
Yeah, you don't heal by doing the same thing to a lesser degree. It's still objectification, and to be honest, while you're rebooting, they don't even have to be scantily clad for it to be porn. If you are LUSTING after women at all and jerking off to it, it's porn. Let's be honest here. Put up some porn blockers and get an accountability partner. If you can go 90 days without jerking off, THEN decide whether or not it's better to continue or not. Start by filling your time with productive hobbies. I've started to give up videogames, and instead start grinding through books and learning to play bass. So much more productive. When I'm feeling angsty, whereas before I would watch porn, Now i just go and jam. A lot better. Start working out, put your life in order, and quit this garbage.

thank you for the insight mate. and for taking the time, much appreciated.

my rationale was that, all i am looking at is the female form in a pure form - no porn, no fetish, nothing indecent - surely this is quite healthy? i havent watched any porn or had any slip during my 88 days

thank you for the insight mate. and for taking the time, much appreciated.

my rationale was that, all i am looking at is the female form in a pure form - no porn, no fetish, nothing indecent - surely this is quite healthy? i havent watched any porn or had any slip during my 88 days

You’re welcome, Phil, I’m just happy to be of help (if I am!).

At times during my relapse this year, I would only look at incredibly vanilla images. If it was just pictures, especially only clothed women, I deemed it alright. But, I have a problem with PMO. Eventually this basic, seemingly ‘timid’ PMO cycle escalated to what I was watching before. It’s a slippery, slippery slope and I slid.

You may be able to choose to use only these clothed images for the rest of your life if there is not problem, but for an addict that will not happen. How frequently have you been using these images?
hi guys - day 90 today :)

i have been using these images - which are literally just females, not even overtly sexual - every three days or so

my question is, now that i have completed 90 days - what now?