Dealing with Boredom


New Fapstronaut
Typically when I relapse, it is due to boredom/not being occupied with anything. Are there things I can fill my free time with to keep myself busy that don't require much motivation?

I have a job, but I am not always there. I am not sure what to do in my down time. It is possible that other things don't seem interesting due to too much porn use. I am just wondering how I break this cycle of not doing anything because I find nothing interesting. It's like work and sleep are the only times where I'm safe.
The world is full of possibilities and ways to express yourself. Everything though, will take some level of effort and motivation to do it, some more-so than others.

Why do you find nothing interesting? How much time have you spent investing into hobbies/crafts?

Make a list of 100 things you'd like to do, try out, and experience, and then do them.

Some ideas: painting, gardening, biking, carpentry, e-commerce, reading, writing, fishing, boating, skiing/snowboarding, jogging, hiking, exercise, cooking, baking, Become a content creator, write blogs, video games, streaming, podcasts, etc...
The world is full of possibilities and ways to express yourself. Everything though, will take some level of effort and motivation to do it, some more-so than others.

Why do you find nothing interesting? How much time have you spent investing into hobbies/crafts?

Make a list of 100 things you'd like to do, try out, and experience, and then do them.

Some ideas: painting, gardening, biking, carpentry, e-commerce, reading, writing, fishing, boating, skiing/snowboarding, jogging, hiking, exercise, cooking, baking, Become a content creator, write blogs, video games, streaming, podcasts, etc...

Nice suggestions broski!!!
Typically when I relapse, it is due to boredom/not being occupied with anything. Are there things I can fill my free time with to keep myself busy that don't require much motivation?

I have a job, but I am not always there. I am not sure what to do in my down time. It is possible that other things don't seem interesting due to too much porn use. I am just wondering how I break this cycle of not doing anything because I find nothing interesting. It's like work and sleep are the only times where I'm safe.

Just like @Ithinkigotthis said bro.. You gotta find out what you enjoy. Imo exercise is a must so start with finding physical activities you can do, for example, shadow boxing.. No equipment needed and you can do it in the comfort of your own home..
The world is full of possibilities and ways to express yourself. Everything though, will take some level of effort and motivation to do it, some more-so than others.

Why do you find nothing interesting? How much time have you spent investing into hobbies/crafts?

Make a list of 100 things you'd like to do, try out, and experience, and then do them.

Some ideas: painting, gardening, biking, carpentry, e-commerce, reading, writing, fishing, boating, skiing/snowboarding, jogging, hiking, exercise, cooking, baking, Become a content creator, write blogs, video games, streaming, podcasts, etc...

Lots of good suggestions here but the problem is when your brain has been jacked up on porn for so long, none of those activities appear to be all that appealing. The hope is that over time the brain recalibrates and the idea of doing those things become more interesting but in the mean time they will look more like chores than something enjoyable - likewise though you can't just cut porn out and do nothing as that's not going to work either so you've pretty much just got to force yourself to do something to keep you occupied.
I started to go the gym and working out 4 months ago, I picked the favorite exercises and sticked with them. I can also do them at home too. Now I went from not going to gym to being a gymaholic. Some of the exercises gave me coregasms and loving them as long as I'm being mindful about not busting nuts.
I definitely understand what you mean when you say that nothing seems interesting, and it makes sense because porn gives you more dopamine than other real stuff, in other words, it is the bomb when it comes to pleasure, and that's why you're hooked to it because there's nothing like it. Porn makes you numbed to other pleasures in life. However, along with that intense dopamine, comes a lot of negative consequences for your brain, your body, and your social life.

When you commit to reboot, you have to be willing to feel this lack of interest in other stuff. Try to occupy yourself with a learning new skill, or developing a hobby. Don't see it as something you like, but as a therapy that can help you cope with PMO addiction.