Dealing with urges in middle late recovery/reboot


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Hey guys got some questions for you,

I was on day 35 and relapsed pretty badly this morning. Everytime when I start over again Im doing pretty good like weeks without it and Im thinking that Im doing it right. Its not like I have to endure much this first weeks, no super bad urges to use et cetera. I have this "uh something changed" feeling and my body leaves me alone with the withdrawal symptoms.
Real urges start to hit arround 30 days and then really bad and I feel like unprepared.
There is no rational explanation ofc, no stress, no problems but the body urge is crazy like nothing I experience in the first weeks/ days. It comes out of nowhere.
Maybe its my motivation or my longterm resilance factors?
What I would like to know is if any of u guys had the same experiences and how did u manage the best to deal with them when they come up so strong a bit more lately in recovery?

Kind regards and thank you! :)