Okay so I masturbated today. I don't watch porn anymore I rebooted from that but unfortunately I still masturbate occasionally. I noticed that my dick looks almost like a gourd shape. I'm pretty sure it's the exact imprint of my hand from grabbing my dick but in a flaccid form. I'm kinda scared it's not the first time it's done this, but it's been a long time and I'm little worried about it. Please if you can give me any advice or ideas on what it is and how to fix it please let me know I'm a little scared about it.
I don't feel masturbation is healthy, even though other might disagree. If you don't M, you will enjoy sex a lot more because of the sensitivity. Death grip really screws with the penis sensitivity. I read that the bruising can heal over time. I would say no to M for the next 2 years. You don't want to worry about hurting your dick again.