Hi everyone.... Ive been fapping for around 10 years now (im now 23). As soon as my parents bought a computer with internet i found out about porn and went online daily! I didnt see this as a problem! As ive got older I now work so dont have much time to fap anymore but normally without fail do Sunday evenings. Normally when im Hungover LOL. i dont know why but when im hungover i have more of an urge to fap! Anyway, i started to notice that during sex i cant seem to ejaculate. Now Im not sure weather it was because i was intoxicated with alchohol or not or the simple fact of my excesive fapping over the years. So thats the reason why ive decieded to give NoFap a shot! Just wanted to ask you guys if once a week on a sunday is bad and cause for concern. The porn is definatly going out the window Iwant Kids in the near future so this problem with ejaculation has got to stop. Im hoping that with a complete detox i can ejaculate properly. Any replys would be very much appreciated! And good luck to EVERYONE! cHEERS.
Read this: http://www.yourbrainonporn.com/any-suggestions-for-healing-delayed-ejaculation Chances are good that your DE is tied to your porn use. Also check out the vids on that site. Especially this one: http://yourbrainonporn.com/adolescent-brain-meets-highspeed-internet-porn (It applies to all ages) Once a week masturbation may not be an issue, but skip the internet porn.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Ok thanks for the advice I will be sure to quit the Internet. I'm still going to NoFap though. I'm on 8 days which is fairly normal for me but gonna try 3months. I've drawn out a calender and I cross of everyday that I do successfully. I also cross in advance a couple of days which really seems to help. Maybe it might be of some help to others!