Declare war on brain cravings


NoFap Defender
Successful attempt on quitting porn is not as easy as just signing up and setting a day counter , there are many factors you should keep in mind before starting the nofap journey.

Once your brain knows you are resisting the attempt to watch porn , it's switches into strategic mode , where it will convince you to watch the porn , it will come up with 100 reasons to watch porn , it will make you feel lonely, angry, depressed, it will do anything to get you to watch the porn and PMO.

So it is necessary to become strong in terms of identifying these brain tricks , this requires time and patience, when people resist the porn but succumb to brain tricks think they have failed, and they quit , but actually they have won , because you successfully resisted the urge,

All you need to do is add little more resistance to your craving, if you feel impossible to avoid watching porn you should just wait for 15 minutes before starting to watch the porn , and next time 30 minutes, this strengthen your brain on resisting the craving, so don't think you have failed after watching porn , make sure you resist it more everyday and then boom you can resist it everyday and then you can take 90 day challenge.

To add more resistance to watch porn you should also add some catalysts in your nofap journey, like doing meditation. This is very much similar to craving porn but it is actually a reverse effect, in porn addiction you can't wait to watch the porn but in meditation you can't sit still, so by sitting still and doing meditation for little longer than last week makes your brain much stronger, so why one challenge take two to three and fight along with it .

Go full assault on your brain, resistance is what rewires your brain,

Declare war within.
I was on the bus today and saw a fat guy, literally eating a burger and gulping down a big Coke. I was thinking how that was his crutch. Something that made him feel good. But it’s not making him healthy. It’s hurting him big time. It’s the same thing with fapping. It makes you feel good. But it’s hurting you big time.