Deleted scene (the conversation about porn and sex that I wish my dad and I once had)



WE OPEN on a small apartment, traditionally decorated. We see a closed, wooden door. We hear the sound of flushing and the door opens to show the SON (14) coming out of the bathroom.

DAD (45) (from the distance)
Hey, son! Do you have a few minutes?
SON stops in his tracks, rolling his eyes slightly in annoyance, turns to follow the voice coming from the opposite direction and…

…enters the room. DAD is there, sitting casually on the couch, holding a folded newspaper. He gestures, tapping on the seat next to him.

Come here. There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.
SON sits down next to him in silence, keeping a certain distance between them, and the two characters face each other.

How are you doing? You alright?

I’m fine.

Listen… I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for a while because, well… I feel like it’s a good time to have THAT conversation already. You’re fourteen now, for all I know I even waited too long. You’re starting to become an adult and there are some things that I think it’s good we talk about.
SON sighs and looks away, visibly uncomfortable.

Yeah, I know… I know it’s awkward and I’m the first one who was even nervous to talk about this. It’s awkward for both of us, but some things it’s good you hear them from me, if that makes sense.
And I’ll tell you one thing: my dad never talked to me about sex. At all. Nor my mom, for that matter. I mean… you know them. They just avoided the topic altogether. And at the time I didn’t want to have the conversation as a teenager either but after a few years, and once I grew up, I realized how maybe I could have used some guidance, you know what I mean?
SON remains silent but now looks back at him, and his expression looks a bit more agreeable.

So I want to be there for you to offer some of that. I’m not going to give you all the answers, but at least I’d like to open the conversation. This doesn’t need to be this big thing that we just get out of the way and forget about. Think about it more like me introducing the topic and just letting you know that we can talk about it, and that I’m here to talk about it.
It’s awkward, yes, but I think it can also be helpful, so I hope you are at least open to it. What do you say? Have you been dreading this day?

It’s just that there’s no point. They already talk to me about all that stuff at school, there’s… no need.

Yeah I know. And I’m not planning to pull out a book with a diagram of the reproductive organs or bring a banana and put a condom on it. I’m not going to tell you any of that crap, I know school covers all the basics already. But some things, even if you’ve heard them before, and I know you have, it’s still good that you hear them from me. That we as father and son talk about these things.
So just bear with it for a little bit and let’s see how you feel, and we can always come back to it later. It doesn’t need to be this traumatic thing. We can keep it casual, as much as we can.

SON (shifting around in his chair)
Well, alright then… go ahead.

Alright. Just remember, it’s a conversation we’re having, I’m not trying to lecture you here. There are a couple of things though that are important and that I need to tell you, so let’s get them out of the way.
There’s safety. That’s a big one. And I know that it’s very typical, and that you already know all of this stuff, but it’s important. Because knowing is one thing, but then when the time comes it’s easy to forget, or to ignore it. And you know the risks: STDs, pregnancy… These are serious things. You don’t want to take unnecessary risks. And if you do, be quick to fix it. Don’t underestimate these things and think you are going to get away with it because nothing happened, because one day it might and then it could be too late.
I guess my point is, don’t take unnecessary risks. Just use a condom, keep it safe… just take it seriously. It’s one of those responsibilities that come with being an adult.
SON looks embarrassed. He welcomes DAD’s last words on the topic of safe sex with relief.

Well, we got that out of the way. I know it’s awkward, but these things are important and, honestly, it’s my duty to tell you these things. You might or might not be sexually active right now, but when you are I hope you can at least remember some of this, cuz I know you won’t remember anything that they tell you at school.
A slight smile appears on SON’s face, and even though he still acts apathetic, a thread of interest seems to hold him in the conversation.

There’s one other thing that I wanted to talk to you about.

SON (amicably)
Can’t we leave it for another day?

DAD (amicably)
Just let me get it out of the way. And then we can call it a day if you want, ok?

I wanted to bring up porn. Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you not to watch it, and I’m not going to install parental control apps on your phone or anything like that. It’s not that. I just want to make sure that you understand the risks.
Because there are risks, you know? I don’t want to sound like a fearmonger here, and it might sound weird because everybody watches porn and most people don’t really think twice about it, but the truth is that porn can create problems just like everything else. Watching too much is… well it has its consequences, and for some people it really sucks them in.

So just be mindful of it. There’s no shame in watching, but be mindful. You don’t want to waste too much time on it or get to the point where you are addicted. So keep an eye on it. Watch it if you have to but, you know, see it for what it is. It’s just fiction, and it gets the job done, but it’s not going to teach you much about sex. You’ll have to explore that on your own, and porn just isn’t going to help you with that.

So just take it easy, and keep that in mind. And don’t put too much pressure on yourself, by the way. I think porn creates all these crazy expectations and when you are starting it can be intimidating, but it’s all bullshit. You go at your own pace, and everything will come when it comes. Believe me, I know how that feels. It took me a while to get started…

SON (looking up with sudden interest)
What do you mean? That you…?

Son, I didn’t lose my virginity till I was twenty-five.
Haha, I know, it makes your dad sound like a loser. But hey, I mean, it happened when it happened. And it’s not like I didn’t want it to happen earlier, but it was tough… I was pretty shy, and listen, I had all these ideas about sex and all this pressure, I didn’t know what I was doing and it was honestly kind of scary, and so it took me a while to get over some of those things and feel more comfortable.
So see? That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about. I mean, I’m not going to blame my parents for everything, but it’s tough when you grow up in a home where sex is taboo. So at the very least I want you to know that that’s not the case here, that we can talk about all of this, and then you can say more or less and that’s ok, but just know that you can, and that I’m open to it.

Yeah, I appreciate it I guess… I mean it’s still pretty awkward, but it’s nice to know that, you know… well that we can talk about it and that it’s not this taboo thing like you said.

Right! So yeah, I’m glad we did this. We broke the ice. I know I lectured you a bit there, but there were some things that I just had to tell you. It doesn’t always have to be like this, you know? We can talk about anything. Just feel free to bring it up anytime, and I’ll touch base with you too every once in a while. We don’t have to share everything, obviously, but it’s good to keep communication open, if you know what I mean.

Sure, yeah that’s good. Thanks dad.

Yeah of course!
Alright, you are free to go now. Come on, I know you can’t wait to get out of here.
SON gets up and leaves the room, a warm and relieved expression on his face.
DAD’s figure radiates with pride and satisfaction. He’s managed to break with tradition, and in doing so feels like he has tied a loose end in his own life. He remains there — standing with his hands on his hips — for a few more seconds, then sits down on the couch and picks the newspaper back up.

My parents had a talk with my about P when so was in the midst of being a teenager. I was stupid and printed out a color photo of an Asian Woman. After my session I was an idiot and my mom found it. She gave me a clear warning. I wish I would have listened to her at the start and not letting it ruin my teenage youth.