Do I need to reset?


New Fapstronaut

I’m on day 7 of my reboot and I had an event and I’m not sure if I should reset. Here’s what happened.

I was looking at photos of my celebrity crush on IG, the photos were fully clothed and I wasn’t M. Suddenly I felt a small budge in my “you know what area” and than immediately exited the photos. Afterwards I felt a dopamine rush and became worried I just lost all my progress. Please help.

IMHO no. An occasional arousal tot he sight of sexy people is not a reset. However it could be symptomatic of trying to find Psub as an excuse to get aroused, so I’d suggest you leave IG and any other sources that may be tempting during your reboot. Also consider your goals - what are you wanting to accomplish? Do you have a reboot journal? Have you identified the roots of your sexual brokenness? Have you been able to talk to a sane and sober person about your addiction and ask for their support? All of these things will help you succeed. P-subs will eventually help you to fail.
Stay off insta bro and othrr p subs...won't help recovery!