Does nightfall affects woman attraction !!!


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I'm on day 19 of hardcore no PMO. I have experienced nightfall twice on my day 15 ( night and afternoon ) and I got again on day 19, today itself (sexual dream). I do 10 mins of meditation daily and exercise daily.
My questions :-
Does semen retention creates an aura around you for woman attraction ?
If it is then on nightfall the semen is lost and does the attraction fades away for woman ?
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This is the first time I have heard a semen retention hypothesis of male-female attraction! The short answer is no; in fact, those men who are the least attractive to women will tend to have the highest levels of semen retention since they will be romantically and sexually ostracised by women (unless they choose to masturbate); whilst the more attractive men in society, who as a result of their personal attractiveness are actually engaged in romantic relationships with women, will tend to have lower levels of average semen retention than the most unattractive men, since they are sexually active.

Whilst no doubt, constant PMOing will render a man less attractive to women, and I would argue does create a certain miasma around people, this clearly does not stem from a lesser degree of semen retention, but rather from the emotional/cognitive/motivational symptoms of chronic porn use. If a man is unattractive to women it is due principally to who he is and the way that he chooses to live his life: his personality, his ethos, his interests, his purpose and priorities, his ability, and his achievements; also his career, personal appearance, age etc. To suggest that personal attractiveness is directly proportional to one’s level of semen retention would be to suggest that all that a socially reclusive ex-porn-user need do to deal with his loneliness is to abstain from porn and wait for his scrotum to fill up! I have found that people will go to great lengths to attribute personal attractiveness to anything other than themselves.
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Your reply is so couched in arcane ‘pickup’ mumbo jumbo that I can literally barely understand it. Perhaps you should spend some time outside the manosphere reading regular English?

From the small portion of your garbled statement that I did succeed in deciphering however, you appear to be promulgating the ‘be an asshole’ model of male-female attraction, one which is only too common in ‘pickup’ circles. Circles of men usually suffering from serious flaws of personality, and defects of lifestyle and attitude; flaws which have left them ill-calibrated, unattractive, sexually desperate, and socially naive; and who, normally having spent far too much time engaged in virtual pursuits such as porn and video games, are looking for a royal road or ‘cheat code’ to social success; and thus are only too keen to attribute their lack of attractiveness to anything other than themselves. Thereby obviating any need to seriously reassess or alter errant attitudes or lifestyles any time soon.

You can usually identify these kinds of pseudoscientific theories emanating from the ‘pickup’ world, in that they will almost always attribute male-female attraction to one thing, and one thing only. Statements usually resembling, ‘you just need to do x and y will happen’. It sounds so simple that it appeals inherently to the lazy, the desperate, and the socially naive.

The ‘be an asshole’ hypothesis, is in essence the idea that women are so unlike men, so pathologically flawed, so unhuman even, that they actually enjoy being mistreated; treated with ‘indifference’ as you put it. It is a derivation of the ‘mechanical skill’ axiom of ‘pickup’, namely the idea that romantic success is a cold mechanical skill comparable to say fly fishing or mathematics, and not a personal quality at all; and that, therefore, it is merely ones words, body language, physical gestures, and the sequence and timing of these things which account for one’s romantic ‘success’, or lack thereof. In short, one’s level of personal attractiveness, is conveniently uncoupled from oneself. A profoundly liberating belief...

The logical implication of this belief in the mystical power of ‘indifferent behaviour’, is the assumption that socially reclusive guys who have trouble relating to women, in order to improve their romantic prospects, should not take a hard look in the mirror and try to identify flaws in themselves, their lifestyles, ethos, or attitudes; they need not work on improving their bodily appearance, or on developing any serious interests or aspirations. No, they need only make an effort to be deliberately rude and thus indifferent, to the women that they meet, to work on reducing their socially redundant and cumbersome levels of human empathy.

The whole mindset thus acts as a big filtering mechanism for practitioners of ‘game’, since only shy, naive, awkward, and unconfident women will actually respond to this kind of rudeness and mistreatment in the first place, misconstruing it for a sign of high social status in the ‘pickup man’. Since these women themselves, being socially awkward, shy and lacking in self-confidence, no doubt spent their formative years being taunted and even bullied by the more socially ‘popular’ kids, they now naively associate rudeness and indifference with ‘popularity’, attractiveness, and high social status. These women lack confidence in themselves to the extent that they are instantly suspicious of any man who treats them normally or shows any interest in their feelings or interests, no doubt figuring that he must be low down on the social scale himself, to be treating her (a loser) in this way. In other words, these women are easy prey for ‘pickup’ routines. Psychologically healthy and self-confident women however, instantly see through the ‘pickup’ facade, seeing the falseness for what it is, and sensing the lonely void that lies beyond.

In other words, if your goal is to occasionally and sporadically exploit low-self-esteem, naive, and socially broken women into having sex with you, and nothing more, and providing that you have relatively few moral scruples to boot, StarRider’s advice might work to help along your selfish and nefarious ends. Just remember that you don’t exist in a void and that turning yourself into an asshole has consequences, something that the ‘pickup’ savants seldom trouble themselves to mention...
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@LycurgusTheLawgiver Proper abstinence (including no wet dreams, which are a sign of failed stimulus management) makes a man more indifferent towards girls and that makes him more attractive to them.

You directly tell the level of indifference by someone worrying about his "aura" after he ejaculated during sleep. That is a very low level. A high level indifferent guy doesn't care at all, if girls are attracted to him, as he doesn't need validation from them.

Most guys in "romantic relationships" are total simps. High level guys are perpetually single while spinning plates and enjoying "friendships with benefits".

In my opinion, you are very much correct. I am on my day 22 on Nofap, I got a wet dream yesterday ( I Didn’t notice the orgasm btw) and after waking up I felt that my powers were normal intact I was feeling more energetic.

Please tell me how long should I “proper abstain” to see attraction from woman.
This is the first time I have heard a semen retention hypothesis of male-female attraction! The short answer is no; in fact, those men who are the least attractive to women will tend to have the highest levels of semen retention since they will be romantically and sexually ostracised by women (unless they choose to masturbate); whilst the more attractive men in society, who as a result of their personal attractiveness are actually engaged in romantic relationships with women, will tend to have lower levels of average semen retention than the most unattractive men, since they are sexually active.

Whilst no doubt, constant PMOing will render a man less attractive to women, and I would argue does create a certain aura around people, this clearly does not stem from a lesser degree of semen retention, but rather from the emotional/cognitive/motivational symptoms of chronic porn use. If a man is unattractive to women it is due principally to who he is and the way that he chooses to live his life: his personality, his ethos, his interests, his purpose and priorities, his ability, and his achievements; also his career, personal appearance, age etc. To suggest that personal attractiveness is directly proportional to one’s level of semen retention would be to suggest that all that a socially reclusive ex-porn-user need do to deal with his loneliness is to abstain from porn and wait for his scrotum to fill up! I have found that people will go to great lengths to attribute personal attractiveness to anything other than themselves.

Somebody please pin this onto the homepage!
Are you by any chance a woman?

No, I’m a big, ugly, bearded man - one who’s travelled far down the supposed royal road of ‘pickup’, one who spent years following all of the advice the manosphere had to offer, one who, during those years approached literally thousands of women using ‘pickup’ routines, and incidentally, retained so much semen at times, that his balls were almost bursting. I’ve lived the pickup lifestyle. I’ve tasted what it has to offer, I’ve seen the dark place to which the worldview leads - I’ve seen ‘pickup’ for what it is.

@Confi00 is only worried about female attraction, so this thread is about his topic, not about you bashing your ex-boyfriends. Obviously he is doing his journey for the wrong reasons (gaining female attraction), while picking up esoteric NoFap mumbo-jumbo like "semen retention aura".

The fact that @Confi00 has a noble intention in wishing to better his romantic prospects, has no bearing whatsoever on the validity of the advice which you are feeding him. The truth is, its often, to use your language, ‘not giving a fuck’, which makes a porn induced social recluse so unattractive a partner in the first place; ‘not giving a fuck’ in every aspect of his life which has led him to where he is. The solution is all too often to ‘start giving more of a fuck’, but alas, along come the ‘pickup’ proselytisers such as yourself, telling these men that they need do the exact opposite.

Being indifferent is not the same as being a jerk, it's simply being neutral. Yes, an indifferent guy isn't going to shower a girl in attention and for her it might feel like he's a jerk. But it's exactly that indifference that is raising female attraction. You don't masturbate, you don't look at pornography. You don't care anymore, you don't give a fuck. As a result if you are really indifferent towards girls, you are not creating threads being worried about how much validation girls can give to you.

Supposing your hypothesis were true, and ‘indifference’ really were the panacea of personal attraction that you claim; if you are only doing all of these things as a strategy to increase your chances of sexual conquest in the first place, then you’re not really being ‘indifferent’, are you?

And, just as a little addendum - what would be the issue if I had have been a woman? You make it sound as though issues in male-female attractiveness are totally outside the realm of female experience, and understanding, when in reality women experience these issues firsthand.

Of course, its not really a surprise to me that you’ve made such a suggestion, since I know only too well from my time within ‘pickup’ circles, that this is in fact one of the ingenious ways that ‘pickup’ cult leaders try to prevent apostasy within the ranks, and thus one of the reasons why ‘pickup’ truly is, and can be considered to be, a genuine internet cult. The idea is that a man is utterly wasting his time in discussing such matters with women, since they are somehow less human than men; they are devious and do not have a man’s best interests at heart. They secretly like to be mistreated by ‘indifferent’ men as you put it, but they will never openly admit this.

Yes, ‘pickup’ does an excellent job of preventing its adherents from receiving information from both women themselves, and from healthy, successful men who are outside the confines of the cult’s sphere of influence - these men are branded as ‘naturals’, and ‘pickup’ wisdom tells us, that these men (often the very men that can best help someone who’s struggling socially), just like women themselves, are mystically and inexplicably unable to understand issues related to male-female attractiveness. Whilst in reality they, like women, often have far more experience of it, being more often than not, in healthy, stable, loving relationships. We are told that everything that they do is done unconsciously - hence the term ‘naturals - and that they are therefore utterly unaware; and by consequence that only the enlightened denizens of the ‘pickup’ world can really see into the truth of these matters. How very convenient...
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Now you’re quibbling. Please don’t take my words out of context. In the sentence which you have just quoted, I was responding to StarRider’s assertion that I must be a woman, I was therefore speaking relatively, in order to contrast myself as much as possible with a woman, and in doing so demonstrate how wrong he was, i.e. big - compared to a woman, ugly - compared with a woman etc. Since, after all, generally speaking, men are big and ugly compared to women. I guess the ‘ugly’ depends on your sexual orientation of course, but I was labouring under the assumption that most people viewing this thread would be heterosexual males like myself.

It’s marvellous, the logical rigour which you ‘pickup’ types will employ to defend your absurd worldview. If only you used such rigour in examining the contradictions contained within the perverse maxims which you’ve so blindly adopted, and which are doing you so much harm.

And please, who said I failed?
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Please tell me how long should I “proper abstain” to see attraction from woman.
In my personal experience after 30 days , from 30 to 45 days , felt like god.
Had a wet dream in day 30 and it made me feel even better, it coincided with the end of a long flatline.
So if you 're in a flatline , rest, resist.

It is a personal experience, which does not apply to everyone

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Guys , pickup mentality has pros and cons
There are dozens of animated discussions and threads about it in Nofap.
but what is certain is that not even with the best speech will you be able to convince the other
... and this thread it's not about that topic
what is certain is that not even with the best speech will you be able to convince the other
... and this thread it's not about that topic

Thank you for this important reminder brother, we are all ultimately here on this forum with the best of intentions, and we can, after voicing our opinions, criticism, and arguments, hopefully agree to disagree. I can see that this thread is fast becoming vicious and ad hominem, and so I think I’ll leave my participation at that.
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In my personal experience after 30 days , from 30 to 45 days , felt like god.
Had a wet dream in day 30 and it made me feel even better, it coincided with the end of a long flatline.
So if you 're in a flatline , rest, resist.

Yes brother. I have started taking cold shower before going to sleep and doing meditation for 15-20 mins to avoid nightfall. I have also changed my diet and I exercise daily. I have found out that my sleep duration has been decreased from 8 hrs to 5-6 hrs a day in these 23 days. I am on 23rd day of my NOFAP journey. I don’t know whether I am in a flatline or not because sometimes I feel really depressed and low erections and sometimes I get harder erections (most of the time). :p

Also I was thinking about this today, as @StarRider said

he is doing his journey for the wrong reasons (gaining female attraction),

I agree with him. I was doing Nofap for wrong reason. I was desperate for this. Today I thought that I should not do this to gain female attractions as Female attraction is itself a “PART” of Nofap not its Goal. Now, I have completely changed my mind ( I don’t know how But I guess it’s because of NoFAP), I am doing this for myself not for female attraction. After all we are here to Reach our goals and to have a beautiful life. And reaching goals does itself consist of female attraction. We all will get to face this (female attraction) as we’re proceeding in our journey. Cheers guys!!;):)

and @LycurgusTheLawgiver
Everybody has their own opinion brother. I am glad that you have Come in this forum and said your opinion. It’s completely fine. Keep doing Nofap. :)
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